How important is your physical attractiveness for getting girls?

How important is your physical attractiveness for getting girls?

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Personality is a cope for uggos. If you're hot people will automatically think that your personality is great regardless of anything.

That’s called the halo effect

Since online dating is the dominant way couples meet, looks matter more than just about anything else. If you don't look good, you don't get your foot in the door.

Cope, 5’5 ugly phillipinos can get cute white girls for LTR. Take the personalitypill

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It's all one package. Your personality informs your looks and your looks inform your personality. If you're doing some "come out of your shell self improoooover" routine women will smell it on you. You need to genuinely have your own interests and goals and you need to work out and take care of yourself. This breeds confidence and charisma which makes you attractive.

the sole reason i get pussy is because of looks. if i was average i’d have to develop a personality. i’ve never had to put in effort to score a date let alone have sex

If you have a good personality then you probably take care of how you look too.


>at bar with friends
>one of the friends (we’ll call him “Tom”) brings a girl with him to the bar
>Tom is 5’7, brown, glasses, and fat
>Tom is genuinely funny, makes a lot of money, and has lots of friends and a great personality
>I’m unemployed, have no friends, and literally autistic
>But I’m 6’0, white, and fit and better looking than Tom
>Tom tries to talk to this girl and slow dance with her but she rejects all of his advances
>she tells Tom “I don’t do slow dances lol”
>I stand silently in the corner like a retard and the same girl keeps trying to talk to me and get me to slow dance with her
>I cave towed the end of the night and end up buying her a drink and dancing with her
>bar closes and she begs to come with me
>we have sex later

Poor Tom. This shit was blackpilling for me too. I didn’t even like it because she was fat (but cute)

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This is true, and it's a harsher reality than "only looks matter"
>anyone can surgerymaxx or gymmaxx their way to being attractive
>there's no way to improve your personality, if you're autistic then you're just fucked

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>Girl wants to have casual sex with attractive guy instead of non attractive guy
Is this really mindblowing to you?

>if you're autistic then you're just fucked
If you're autistic male, that is.

Yes because I was told my whole life that it’s all about “game” and looks don’t matter.

I have literally no game or any idea on how to talk to girls. If I below chad-lite with the same exact personality I would definitely be an incel

But all flips have terrible personalities stemming from the eternal curse of small man syndrome

“game” is for average and ugly people lol

It's not about your looks, it's about your look. Read that again.

Made you look haha!

You're not hot either though.

Game, in practice, was doing something hawt (like being in a band or being a dj) and giving away drugs. Or just pretending that prostitutes were women that you seduced.

Too subtle and big-brained for the sperglords of Any Forums, sadly.

You’re not hot either though.