Eric Bugenhagen

>Eric Bugenhagen
>6'1, 280 lbs
>D1 athlete
>Brock Lesnar
>6'2, 280lbs
>D1 athlete, NCAA champ, UFC heavyweight champ

One of these men is a confirmed roider, the other natural, according to Any Forums. Can you guess who?

Attached: eric brock.png (1512x718, 1.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:’sHealthUK

I mean everyone knows Eric is on PED's, he's just not allowed to divulge the information because of the WWE.

Attached: 1622649194211.jpg (900x520, 32.69K)

Uhhh, genetics something, something mindset, D1 athlete...

Eric is in his early thirties.
Brock Lesnar is in his late forties...
Besides, just because someone on roids is a certain size doesn't mean its unobtainable lol.’sHealthUK
Look at this youtube video about steroid users in the UK, I guess by your logic anyone who is bigger than these DYELs MUST BE ON STEROIDS THEN RIGHT?

Eric is in his mid 30s, Brock is in his mid 40s and didn't look better than Eric when he was in his 30s either.

You have to be a special kind of retard to believe Eric is natty.

>there are dyels on steroids
>this proves that you can be huge naturally

I can't argue with that, retard-kun.

Bugenhagen hasn't claimed natty since he joined the WWE. Which is also around the same time he started blowing up.
Compare his old lift montages to now. He looked tiny compared to now.

He still had abs at like 225-230 even before he joined WWE. You faggots are so delusional it hurts.

You don't have abs at 225?
Are you short or weak?

ta fuck are you talking about retarded faggot? they're both loony troonies

>suddenly blows up in size and gets massive strength gains in his mid 30s
If he was anyone other than le wholesome chungus mindset guy you'd have a bunch of nattyornot faggots making videos on him to tear him down.

Post body, chud.

lmao fucking idiot

Nah, dude. Adding 100lbs to your already elite bench in your mid 30s is totally possible natty.

Look at those tits hang.
That's why I only do incline bench.

that’s exactly what he’s saying you inane retard

I hate those faggots convincing themselves they're natty as long as they don't do the meaniest substances out there, blasting just T is practically natty according to the recent standards

Eric: example 549 of how roids destroy your face. His face looed 10x better at 50 lbs lighter even though bodyfat % about the same.

His bf% is definitely not the same. He's gained 5% at least, probably more.

Eric looks so old now