How do i avoid this mode when im 50?

how do i avoid this mode when im 50?

Attached: FX-d_CoXEAIwtuD.jpg (470x680, 73.73K)

Eat less and move more
t. 65 years old.

Is it more based to be Any Forums or have this mode and $200b

Geez he could at least hop in the spray tanner before going out like that

If rather die than be Elon Musk

His entire dopamine system is clearly fried and he is a slave to attention.

No TRT or HGH “therapy”

i will never understand how someone can be rich af but not take care of their body

My nigga Elon rocking his pectus carinatum lmao

You gotta take the squintmaxx pill

Attached: 1657735353689.jpg (1080x817, 144.26K)

Yeah, unlike you. You surely hate attention and are not at all a slave to attention

oh jesus christ. dude I'm 52 and my torso looks like I'm 32. Hasn't changed. this dude just had bad otter genes.

why does the rib area pooch out so far?

hes way too young to be looking like this, its just bloat + sucking his gut in

>I'm 52
no you're not. I refuse to believe 52 year olds use Any Forums

Replace leg day with lung day.

for me, its sterons

Attached: the 58yo dballer.jpg (986x1285, 672.76K)

bro, we, 40-55 grew up with the internet. some of us actually created it. Believe we would use one of its top popular anonymous platforms. duh. I was on usenet when you will still inside your dad's cock.

I'm 44 and thought I was one of the oldest lurking this shithole.

Holy shit, he did well.

ancient anons itt

>He is 58 years old
Mirin' hard desu