Whey is pretty expensive and i want the best for a cheap buck. What kind of Supplements are you taking /fit

Whey is pretty expensive and i want the best for a cheap buck. What kind of Supplements are you taking /fit.
Are Standard things like Creatine, omega 3, vitamin d3 k2 and zinc working? Recommend good whey, one that has amino acids.

Don't reply if you're a fatty.

Attached: upfit-supplement-beitragsbild.jpg (702x468, 70.77K)

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Where are you from?

>Whey is pretty expensive
>Recommend good whey, one that has amino acids
They all have amino acids you dumb fuck. Unless you mean BCAAs which is just expensive piss unless you're a vegetarian.


>Whey is expensive
Not per serve.

>They all have amino acids
appreciate user, ty

It boggles my mind people spend this much money on a mixture of onions, milk and artificial sweeteners among other chemicals that fuck ur body up

DM Eigenmarke hat erstaunlich gutes Whey für 6,95€, die Riegel sind auch nicht verkehrt

Eat meat and drink milk. So fucking easy.

Attached: 1656628468048.png (850x1206, 1002.24K)

The coomstack unironically works though, you must try the supplements yourself to see what you personally are deficient in

Pin test and stop acting like a faggot op

Potate and Egg user. Potatoes and eggs.

Your whey protein probably has heavy metals and BPA in it. You're also not getting as much protein per dollar as you would with milk and eggs.
There's no point to taking anything besides a multivitamin and real food.

i'd be very worried about eating amino acids, i mean acids will just dissolve your throat to begin witgh


>protein probably has heavy metals and BPA in
Trying to avoid BPA is like trying to dodge rain in a monsoon in the desert. Anything stored in plastic is gonna have BPAs which is just about everything. It's shit, but best of luck.

As for the heavy metals, it's 50/50 but you can counter that by using a sauna.

turkesterone, Tongkat Ali, l-citrulline dl-malate 2:1, zinc, and creatine.

And yes. They're working. Mad gains rn

Daily Dietary stack
>3.6g fish oil
>125mcg Vitamin D (every other day)
>6g beetroot juice powder
>5g creatine
>6g citrulline malate

Bedtime stack for sleep, based on aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2011/1201/p1293.html

>5mg Melatonin
>250mg Magnesium
>50mg Zinc

Some people claim 50mg of zinc is too much and can possibly poison you, but I've yet to have negative side effects. This stack WILL make you dream a lot, if you care.

>Recommend good whey
I like Redcon1s' stuff. Powerlifter friend of mine that they sponsor hooked me up with discounts, too.

this user knows, there is BPA and microplastics in everything. I wouldn't be surprised if there are microplastics floating in the bodies of the savages at north sentinel island

50mg a day imo works great but I'm 220lbs. 100 and I get sick after a few days

>I'd prefer whey that has amino acids
I see you're a real expert on nutrition

this pic related fella is really reliable

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