What is his problem?

what is his problem?

Attached: Jeff-Cavaliere.jpg (720x450, 37.99K)

He looks like a bottom.

Greed and roids.

Hes natty


his sons are mentally retarded but now he can't abort them

>used to think this was jacked

was it the roids?

yes + alcoholic wife

He has some great videos, but there are limited things to talk about in fitness so he uses physio therapy degree to reinvent the wheel over and over again which results in him coming up with random nonsense

I refuse to believe guys like him and Joel Seedman actually believe the retarded shit they say

Attached: Leg Workout.png (1596x893, 605.65K)

he has more technical knowledge of the human anatomy with relation to fitness than 95% of fitness youtubers

Too bad that relying on the bio-mechanical model for training mostly means nothing

Which is why his older video are better. After several years you run out of new shit to talk about.

His oldest videos and the worst shit. Even Jeff admitted himself that the standing on bosu ball "functional" stuff was crap he made up

All that knowledge and he still tells you to breath out before getting down on a squat.

The fake plates destroyed his rep permanently, what a retarded decision that was.

yeah...you're supposed to. you're compressing your lungs. am i getting memed here?

ran out of content

This is bait right?

To be fair he's really weak so his only options were putting up DYEL numbers for decades of training or fake plates

Destroyed his rep to whom? His primary demographic has always been dyels new to fitness who go to the biggest channel on YouTube with high production values. They have zero idea that controversy ever happened because they've only been lifting for 3 months