What is your preferred method of self-treating external hemorrhoids? i got one last night and its itchy

what is your preferred method of self-treating external hemorrhoids? i got one last night and its itchy

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pop it

hot baths

In the shower I take a finger and force it back to hell where it belongs. Hold it for a few seconds. Repeat every shower until it goes away.

Push it back in

Fasting so I stop shitting and agravating the area

i tried, but it just pops back. is it something that i have to do routinely? my previous hemorrhoid went away after a month i think, and i was constantly pushing it in during that time

You ever seen one man one jar?

I usually just ignore it while making sure to eat more fiber. The daily recommended fiber intake is higher than you think it is. It's 38 grams for adult males. You can't hit that accidentally unless you're a vegan or some shit. And I never force a poop.

I'm a britbong so don't know if you have access to these brands (pic 1/2) but I'm sure you can find an equivalent. Just rub it on (just on, not in, since you've only got external hems) your bootyhole a few times a day. After morning shower, after any shits you take, and before bed. Should be fine after a day or two of this.

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Just leave it alone. It will eventually go away on its own but you can get one of those hemorrhoid creams if you dont mind putting a finger up your asshole to speed up the process

(pic 2/2)

With regards to future prevention:
I used to get external hemorrhoids a lot when I was a fatty (same as chub rub on the inner thighs, my asshole would be in searing pain after 30 minutes of walking), and I also had IBS from a shitty diet so spent a lot of time straining on the toilet which is no good either.

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Preparation H worked for me for the itchiness and discomfort. Give it a try.

Obviously, losing weight solved the first problem. For the second, I still get the shits sometimes even with a cleaner diet, but for the past year I've been putting my feet up on a cardboard box to get into a deeper squat (the one thing the pajeets get right, I guess). There are specialized products for this but just a box is fine.

Strangely, for me, fiber really fucks me up. When I first started getting bootyblasted I read all the advice that said 'eat more fiber', so I did, and that was a real bad time. Shitting pretty much every hour until my asshole was bleeding and sore.
Your advice is probably sound for most people, but just throwing this out there for anyone else with a sensitive stomach - more fiber may not necessarily help, you'll have to experiment with various foods until you find what works for you.

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Eating more fiber works but you need to increase the amount of water you're drinking as well.

I got a couple of those squarepeg copper squat plugs. Love the small one but be aware, their size chart is some kind of joke I don't fully get. Small is fucking huge, like 1.5". Gotta work up to it but it feels really good once you get to that level.

You just have to wait it out. I had an extremely painful thrombosed external hemorrhoid once that went through 3 cycles of bursting, shrinking, clogging, and then bursting again before it fully healed. It absolutely sucked to the point where I fasted just so that I wouldn't have to worry about shitting because my ass hurt so much.

I'm not a vegan and I get 47 grams a day


What ever happened to that guy? Did he straight up die?

Apparently he just walked it off

Yeah, admittedly during that time when I tried upping my fiber I was still a fatty so my interpretation of "get more fiber" was just finding an excuse to eat more processed bars. "oh, these cereal/hiking/etc bars say 'good source of fiber' on the package, so they must be good for me", and I probably wasn't upping my water intake proportionately.

According to myfitnesspal I'm averaging 20g fiber these days, and with the box-squat trick I've not had to strain a single poo all year - but it's probably still worth another shot at hitting that recommended 38g via real food this time.