Everyone on this board is wrong about CICO

And are all too stupid to know it. CICO is not the be all end all of cutting/bulking. Just the ketotards (not one and not a fan) alone BTFO Any Forums CICO cucks. If fucking Al Roker, who went from looking like an oversized seal to looking like the first ever black Auschiwtz prisoner, can do it by eating 3000kgs of butter and read meat then that proves how what you eat can influence your metabolism and therefore cause you to keep weight or lose it more efficiently. Of course for basic bitch idiots CICO makes sense, but its not that simple in the body

>t. Genius

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>how your body stores fat and uses energy from food is dependent on more than some arbitrary number
wow no way

>Just the ketotards alone BTFO Any Forums CICO cucks
please show me those keto bodybuilders, I'll wait

He did it by eating less calories that he burnt off.

antifa domestic terrorist wojak

Mr. Olympia Keto Greene

Yeah aren't there like 10 threads of this same fucking topic every day?

The answer is
If you're fat, just tape your fucking mouth or lock your fridge

If you want muscle, fucking eat protein and less carbs

If you want to bulk, follow the Jason Genova diet of golden corral and burger king

Mr olympia? Did I miss him winning?

what is it with CICO that makes so many people seethe? it's such a simple principle, just use it and lose weight. but it's always some stubborn retards who want to prove on basket weaving forums that if on paper you're diabetic with hormones spiraling out of control submerged in saline in a cell 4000km below sea level, you can theoretically eat 100 cals over maintenance and still not gain weight.

Thanks. Any Forums is finally solved. We can all go home.

Of course it's not as simple as literal CI minus CO equals weight lost, but it's a pretty significant part of the equation. Anyone who claims they got shredded eating thousands and thousands of calories of butter and steak is lying, or they were simply training enough to still be in deficit. This reminds me of the old Atkins-obsessed fat cunts who cut out carbs, gorged on their precious fat, and strangely enough, remained fat cunts.

it seems that the ghost of Atkins will forever live in America, being reborn as keto or carnivore or some new meme diet. it's just way too appealing of an idea for people in burgerland that they can gorge on their fat and goyslop and still pretend they lose weight.

Retards enjoy trying to reinvent the wheel.

His CO increased because his metabolism changed. It's still CICO.

Anyone who thinks CICO is a meme is some retard who thinks they've defeated the law of thermodynamics.

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>wow no way
Any Forums thinks that unironically

If CICO is so simple why don't you just drink gasoline to bulk :^)

>T. nigger-tier IQ
Because it's about the calories the human body can process, user. The same reason a human cannot bulk on Uranium.

That's the whole point of OP. Different macronutrients have different responses in the body so even if it has the same exact amount of calories it can have different results in the fat loss end
bro you can eat 10.000 calories and not gain a pound, just be diabetic with no insulin

> what is it with CICO that makes so many people seethe?
because people are impatient
changes to bodies aren’t continuous processes
you may be in a consistent calorific deficit and not loose weight over a week
but then you’ll loose 2 pounds all of a sudden then regain a pound next week
this makes people think CICO is bullshit
but really you’re observing one input into a stochastic system and for short timescales you can’t determine corpulence w.r.t calories

>muh beetus!!!
there he goes. like clockwork. see what is it that makes ketofags and other "alt diet" fags so obsessed with refuting it? even when you google it, you see redditors seething over it and trying to disprove it. it's like a cross to a vampire.
>but the beetus proves I can eat all the bacon and lard I want and still lose weight!!!
sure thing bud

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>Different macronutrients have different responses in the body
And that's already accounted for when we say "1 gram of fat has 9 kcal and 1 gram of carbs has 4 kcal"
It's already about how the body processes each macro, not about how many calories said macro releases when burned in a furnace, like gasoline.

You fucking retard then the CO = calories out are also greater if u are diabetic with no insulin u stupid nigger


pissing unmetabolized sugar != energy expenditure