What compound lifts you kept or dropped from your routine since you started lifting?

What compound lifts you kept or dropped from your routine since you started lifting?

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I don’t do barbell row because if I do it at a high enough weight to actually work my upper back it puts a lot of strain on my lower back and I’m worried about injury. As my lower back gets stronger I’m planning to work it back into my routine though

I do front squat, snatch, and OHP twice a week and deadlift and clean and jerk once a week. Used to throw around a lot more weight but powerlifting got boring and moderate oly lifting is more enjoyable and relaxing. If you're not having fun you're doing it wrong.

I do all of these. They are all important IMO. Stiff leg deadlift is also important.

Dropped deadlifts when I hit 200kg
Dropped barbell OHP for dumbells
Kept back squats but I do high reps rather than five or less
Kept barbell bench but do more dumbbell stuff now
Dropped barbell rows cos they're garbage and just do dumbell and cables now

I've been lifting for 3 years but have been neglecting my back for at least one and a half, no deadlifts and rows maybe once a week, how fucked am I? At least I have a 170kg squat and 130 bench kek

Squats because they make my left testicle explode. Otherwise I do all of them.

I dropped deadlifts, barbell rows, pull-ups in favor of seated row machines and bench press for seated dip machines. Kept OHP and squats. About to drop barbell squats and replace it with hack squats and RDLs.

i do a version of all these but none of those specific variations except ohp
safety bar squats, incline bench, trap bar deadlift, seal rows, chin ups

I do all of those but if I were to drop one it'd be flat bench.

Squat and bench are permanent, just too much bang for your buck not to include them.

Pull ups are in 90% of the time

Deadlifts are in 80% of the time (if I'm not doing deadlifts I do a variation with lighter weight)

OHP and Rows are in about 60-70% of the time. If I'm pushing SBD they have way too much overlap with bench and deadlift respectively, so I do a dumbbell or machine variation that's less fatiguing

I'm dropping the emphasis on bench in my program. It's garbage compared to other compounds but curiously it's the most popular. Weighted push ups mog bench press but it doesn't get as many hits on Instagram.

Deadlift. Fucked up my back too many times.

I only do bench and pull up. Everything else is dumbell and machine.

Squats and deadlifts.

i do all of those except instead of flat bench i do decline and incline.

I don't like doing barbell rows, I just do T-bar rows instead. Idk, they just feel better, I feel them a lot more and you can't really cheat

Your testicle can only explode once

>can't cheat on t-bar rows
wut. I do get your sentiment though, a lot of people seem to have trouble getting a mind muscle connection on barbell rows. I prefer doing pendlay rows.

>impinged my shoulder 5 years ago
>gradually strengthened it and now can do most lifts as long as I do good form and don't external rotate too much, power cleans but no normal cleans, etc.
>doing a set of 5 medium weight alternating deadlifts with my non-dominant hand leading
>on the 5th my shoulder pops so loudly that someone asks me if I'm alright
It's been a day and a half and it's just sort of sore but I'm worried bros. Fucking knew I should have been using hook grips or just chalk/straps.

Oldfag here (35).
Sadly, I had to drop ohp. Hurts my shoulder, doesn't seem to be worth it.

Out of all those the back squat is the most useless for the goals of the average lifts BY FAR.
Unless you’re a manlet (in which case it’s a good quad exercise) it:
>won’t give you aesthetic legs. Will give you disproportionately big adductors and ass, aka NOT ideal for a man
>will fuck up your joints especially hips and knees and back
>prone to ego lifting

Ok, well, they make me feel like my left testicle is about to explode and I'd rather it not happen.

>t. never squatted in his life

Have a shitty lower back and if i fuck up even a little it would ruin my back for the next 2 months. Also just didn't like them in general, every lower day i'd squat and then be too exhausted to perform the rest of it well
Never felt right like it's working my arms, not back. Also put pressure on my lower back aswell. I just do cable rows now