/fitlit/ thread

What are you guys reading besides your work out?

me picrel

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Captain Underpants i bought at the Scholastics Fair

Been reading the 48 laws of power. Pretty based and a cheat code to life.

I also just picked up A walk in the woods by B. Bryson

Just finished reading The Art Of Not Giving A Sh*t, Bad*ss Tips On Making Life Your B*tch And F*cking Those Insecurities Long D*ck Style

Great book. I think I’m normal now

The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul

Just finished More than Allegory by Bernardo Kastrup, which is one hell of a read.
Started The nature of Consciousness by Rupert Spira a few days ago... so far it's interesting but I'm not crazy about his writing style.

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The Wheel of Time series. I don't like nonfiction books.

My go to /fitlit/ list
>Theogont by Hesiod
>Iliad and Odyssey by Homer
>Anabasis by Xenophon
>History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
>Dialogues of the Dead by Lucian
>The Epic of Gilgamesh
>The Book of Five Rings by Mushashi Miyamoto
>The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
>Man and his Symbols by Carl Jung
>Sun and Steel Yukio Mishima
Currently reading the epic of Digenes Akritas

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I've seen a lot of quotes from Niccolò Machiavelli on Any Forums and he seems like my kind of guy. Any recommendations of which one to start with?

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Most of the way though pic rel and it's pretty good. Any recommendations for nonfiction books about man vs nature type shit?

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I'm reading Bronze Age Mindset right now. I know that has a certain connotation to it and sparks controversy on /lit/ but more than anything I'm just curious what all the fuss is about. Just finished Chapter (?) 14. Some of the rationale is (very) questionable, but I've found many of the messages interesting. Curious to see how it all ties together.

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The prince

You can read what you want, but be aware that this book is a butchered mashup N's sister threw together to try and win points with Hitler

Are books like this even worth it if you were raised a nihilistic atheist? Any thing relating to the power of belief seems pointless to me because my first instinct is to reject anything like that. As much as I try I simply cannot believe things or accept anything based on faith alone.

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My Any Forums ass saw a greasy ass empty pizza box from the thumbnail

I’ll show a messy pizza box. One of the last times I ever ordered pizza ca. 2019. It was a vodka sauce pie

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Not to be rude but that looks like shit g, glad you cut that out tho. I still have an occassional pizza from time to time

god what a disaster. i would have quit too.

After the prince read The Machiavellians by James Burnham. Its a great primer on Machievellian thought after Machiavelli

Check out something my buddy got years ago
NJ has good pizza but not when you live in the sticks :(

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Have been going full-schitzo during my vacation to prepare for winter
>Turner Diaries
>Various (counter-) insurgency and sabotage manuals
>Camp of the Saints
>re-reading Ride the Tiger