Cardio mega thread

Are there really people who post on a fitness forum who don't do cardio?

If not, why not?

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do I read this like "no, cardio can't fuck"? or, "no cardio (i.e. in the world) can't fuck"? or is she saying she doesn't do cardio, so she can't fuck?

HWD can fuck

It kills gains, simple as.

I don't do cardio because too much and it causes muscle to deteriorate

Early 00s broscience said cardio kills gains. In reality, having an established level of endurance such that you can you can do full sets of ten without feeling like you've taken a body shot from Tyson is useful.

Zone 2 Cardio only.

The heart is a muscle too.

Don't do long distance because it will spike too much cortisol, killing gains.
Of course fit will translate this is never do cardio.

I can barely get to a 10 min mile and then barely make it back to the start hunched over sweating like im doing the Mogadishu mile.

Even the 'cortisol kills gains' is a meme. Only if severely prolonged exposure to cortisol will it be catabolic.
But yes, marathon/long distance running will put you in a pussy mindset.

Only cardio I do is VR boxing, 5 3-minute rounds and you get tired af - i do this every day after my strength workouts.

I've done 12 rounds, but that's if I haven't done another workout that day

That sounds awesome. I used to train and spar but don't have complete disregard for my health and didn't want to get headaches all the time any more.

Whats a good metric for good cardio?

She’s saying that people who do no cardio can’t fuck

What's the best cardio? I think it's sprinting but unfortunately I can't sprint due to some serious injuries. Thinking of buying a punching bag and going ham for a few minutes .

Try a combat sport. See how you feel after 1 round of sparing. Doesn't matter if it's grappling or striking.

Cardiobros, how do you work your heart most effectively in order to lower your resting BPM? I want to get mine as low as 45 or some shit.

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This. Endurance, core training, and fundamentals are the basic building blocks of any good fighter.

Bro seriously think about buying a quest 2 ($300) and getting Thrill of the Fight

Best cardio shape of my life from that game.

It's the equivalent of swimming laps at vigorous pace, according to MET levels, and the only cardio better than it is only sprinting

Walking counts as cardio right? I just like going on walks.

Hardly, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't go on walks. Being out in nature and having time to think is great. Still do something high intensity like sprinting, punching bag, jump rope, going uphill on a bike, etc.

I have a mile long hill coming up to my house so I do most of my grocery shopping by bike. I'm allowed to bring a backpack in the store because I don't live in an area infested with niggers. Riding up that in medium gear as fast as I can while carry 7 gallons of milk is a hell of a workout that only takes about 5 minutes.

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Which is the better cardio, ski or row machine? Both seem to hit the whole body pretty good.

What is zone 2 cardio?
I’m obese so I just walk my dog for an hour a day and then speed walk on the treadmill with incline for 30 minutes or more.

Row machine

'Fan Dance': SAS. 24km, 886m mountain, 40lb ruck, 4 hours.
'Long Drag' : SAS. 40 miles, 55lb ruck, 24hr time limit.
'Kepi Blanc': French Foreign Legion. 60-80km in full kit over two days.
'Vasbyt': South African STF. 4 days, no food or sleep, 200km of carrying a railway track with an iron ball tied on, plus activities.

>pussy mindset.

Any Forums is fucking retarded.

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I am also rerarded. Replied to wrong user.

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How long until my life is fixed? I've ran 5k on the treadmill three times this past week and it still sucks.