How can I tell if someone at my gym is from Any Forums?

How can I tell if someone at my gym is from Any Forums?

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So my future wife is currently 6 years old. Hopefuel

This never happens in reality. They will go 10 years max, that's it. Sure there are outlier 1 in 10,000 cases where a lot of money is also involved, you will not be one of those cases, I promise you that.

My mother was 19 when she started dating my father, who was 39 at the time. He was just a construction foreman

>completely white hair at 45

Introduce yourself and say you're 'mirin'.
[spoiler]Don't actually do this the person had no fucking idea what I was talking about. We still got on okay but I feel like it soured what could have actually been a solid gym bro relationship into just a casual acquaintanceship.[/spoiler]

vai dormir

just ask them if they're 'feelin fit?'

>fucking better pussy than you at 45

Do they stare constantly at their shoes and mumble to themselves?

You feeling fit there buddy?

flex a 'cep

>never happens in reality

I'm in my mid 30s and my girlfriend is 18. Money is not involved, I'm a poorfag and she knew that going in.

Protip: be a kinky motherfucker and scour places like fetlife for local teenage sluts with daddy issues.

I am but a fortunate lad.

I don't base my self-worth on worthless insta sluts, pajeet.

just look for the fat greasy retard spouting about jews and seed oil.
Anyone using the term g0yslop is a good giveaway

Look in the mirror

Walk up to them and ask if theyre feeling fit.

Im just a lucky guy



Holy shit you are a creep

Also in my mid thirties and teenagers disgust me.
But women my own age look like shit.
Can't win