2022...I am forgotten

>2022...I am forgotten...

Attached: scoob.jpg (850x926, 68.06K)


You have to kiss him on the mouth first.

>70 year old homosexual with an affiliation for teenage boys
Good. Let him be forgotten

His doxxing was one of the most unjustified things I’ve seen on this site

>Fag enabling this hard

it was based and youre a nigger

nooooo not my heckin wholesome chungus faggorino

He shouldn't have deleted his website if he wanted to be remembered.

Predilection not affiliation tardboi

he had an affiliation for teenage boys?

Don't care. All fags burn.

AIDS still claims lives

I don't understand how he went from being a complete joke to suddenly popular on this site. Did people just forget how retarded skateboard squats were?

I remember it supposedly happened on /sp/ of all places. Like what was their beef with Scooby anyway? He was only known and relevant on Any Forums

He shilled himself like 80% of the ecelebs who are talked about here

Remember all of the SCOOB IS DELETING HIS SITE-threads?

>tfw skateboard squats are forgotten
>tfw I bought a skateboard in 2011 just to do these

newfag samefag

Why does it even matter for him? He's a childless homo who just lifts and does hobby shit like building an airplane. Its not like he has any family to protect.

Forgotten? He nuked his own channel and website because he delusionally thought he could sell it for like $1 million. He self-detonated.

He's literally a groomer. Scoopy needs to go.