DAY 2 of growing my hair long

>eating pizza
>punching the boxing bag
>lifting weights
>drinking protein shakes
>as lazy as possible working from home
>using hair conditoner
>using snail lotion on my face
>running a podcast

i fucking love my life

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Way to go Johnny Any Forumsness

The best way to improve self confidence is by growing hair... When you cut it short again, you will feel like Chad


Looks bad on 99% of males.

based op being the 1% god among men.

>t. hairlet

the irony is..its not like he cant grow the hair.
I mean im a little balding on the sides..but i can still grow big hair without it being noticable.

its that hes listening to society and conforming to his jew boss and women telling him "he will look better with short hair" then firendzoning him and fucking chad

Pizza man I thought you were stupid at first but now I know you are fucking bases welcome to the long hair maxxers club make these niggas seethe

Literally never seen a man with long hair that it doesn't improve their appearance. Even that faggiest s0i faggot looks better with longer hair.

Men exist in 2 states; long hair or bald.
Short hair is for slaves. Free men grow it long or if they are too bald to grow it, they shave it all.

Based and morbius pilled

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im still at 1cm stage because i had shaved my head last month. but im a grower not a shower. thanks.

and just in time because i am balding a little on the at any case if i grow my hair it actually wont even be noticable, just the sides of my forehead. if i stay with a buzzcut its actually more noticable and i just look like any other slav gopnik.

now that i have AC i can finally grow my hair without sweating.
even that fat guy from LOST looks better with long hair, it just fucking works bro

except spoony lol

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Yellow between red and orange… never gonna make it

actually morbius was one of the first reasons that i decided to fuckking do it.
morbius first made me want to look at him.

i mean hes 50'. im like 30, it just makes sense to have a midlife crysis and become chad.

One life may as well try. Don’t let these goofs get you down pizza man keep hitting that bag

it's down to my shoulders now
people keep telling me I looked better with a boring undercut, and yet, I have never had so many girls flirting with me or just checking me out as I do now
especially when I tie the hair up, looks really cool
gotta take proper care of it though, good wash routine, good conditioner, don't shampoo too much, use oil, comb often, style it. it still doesn't look as good as I'd like it to, but it looks good enough and while it's not "traditionally" good looking, it's "cool" which is better if you're going for sex appeal. or edgy if you tie it up in a cool ponytail / bun and add fashion. if you're going for the boring business preppy nice guy, then yeah get an undercut and make sure to shave, also shave your asshole for the faggots

glad you see the light.
cant wait to become like you
i never had real long hair

Long hair grower here, been growing since Covid hit. Looking like Peter Steele. Shave asshole because I noticed wiping is much easier and cleaner. Too bad the wife doesn’t eat ass, would so let her.

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I'm actually not trying to grow long hair, I just want 6-8" of MACV-SOG/biker mane before I graduate college next year.

It's the opposite. People rely on their hair to look good but are scared to death of being bald. Shave your head completely, go around like that for a few months and work on being confident even with a bald head

we are gonna make it long hair bros.
there is no negativity in this dojo
only support

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>just conform to society bro and be like any other slavic gopnik bro!

leave this dojo and never return. go get vaccinated.

Just grow your hair long enough to tickle your own anus. She will be rightly creeped the fuck out and give you a rimjob to make you stop it.

I’m losing my hair and have been buzzing it for a year, but I can still be happy for anons with hair. At least I kept that shit long for 75% of the time that I had it.

Make sure to bind up your hair under a wrap or cloth if you work outside alot. Dust kills long hair.

>t. never experienced the awkward phase while growing long hair, and then the second awkward phase, and possibly the third one
I've never looked as stupid as during those fucking awkward phases and they lasted for months
when I shaved my head (yeah, not completely bald but like 2 mm) I looked badass, it does not compare
so, growing long hair is the real mark of being able to not give a fuck, you have to earn it