Should I replace OHP with this?

Should I replace OHP with this?

Attached: 6ATJWo5RTrRxSLokmJsHAk.jpg (1000x560, 186.09K)

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i do both but on diff splits, you can really go heavy and make it a compound move

It's not as effective as ohp
if you hate ohp that much then do the sitting version

No, because this is primarily a core exercise.

that's a landmine press
not to confuse with military landmine press
that's chest and tries and some front delts

Attached: 1635963414974.jpg (800x534, 102.01K)

I'd replace OHP with push-pressing honestly.

what's a good alternative to deadlifts? I'm 36 going on 37 and I'm starting to get scared of back injuries.

stop being a pussy or wear a belt

No? You're not supposed to skip the best compounds because you don't like them retard, do OHP until you get better at it.

I like doing this exercised but on my knees to prevent my core from doing a ton of work, it certainly doesn't replace OHP though you can't overload it nearly as effectively.

This is dumb
Deadlifts but with good loading

You should have some sort of directly overhead pressing movement. People get dogmatic with OHP but you can do a seated press or machine press if you want too.

>I like doing this exercised but on my knees
That's smart user, it's good to get strong in the positions where you spend a lot of time.

trap bar deadlifts. the stress goes onto the legs, hips and butt, while safeguarding the lower back since the weight is distributed more in line with the body's natural center of gravity.

If you want to get strong, hex bar. If you want to work your hamstrings and glutes, RDLs and maybe Good Mornings.

They're not spotting the guy doing the press, they're spotting all the spectators so if he fails the rep, only 3 people die.

go lower weight deadlifts with more reps instead of single lifts. I aim for 7 reps 5 sets, I find this to be the best balance of light enough to not cause injury while not too enough reps to introduce bad form on the latter sets, the problem with more reps on the deadlift is if you try to push it you tend to degrade form, any other exercise its not TOO much of an issue, but deadlift can cause major problems, while on the other side, too much weight also causes major problems as well, that in between balance is what you want.

Attached: Lever-Shoulder-Press.gif (360x360, 327.28K)

no, it doesn't replace it. building trength in shoulders with this would be a nightmare, i only go for 8-12 reps for reasons. it's okay at best, but try kneeling version for better results.

Why would anyone ever do this? The higher the weight is the less you feel. Having it that high reduces the load of the weight by like 70% easily.

Do trap bar deadlifts.


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