Why does this exercise make homos and dyels seethe so much?

why does this exercise make homos and dyels seethe so much?

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it would've make my muscles hurty >-

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post body

Because people hate seeing their 1rm squat/dl going above someone else's head

Love this exercise. Was forced to hit a new PR of .5 pl8 for 5x5 today. WAGMI bros

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Either this isn't you, or it actually is you and it proves the other user's point.

Real talk how do I get stronger in this?
I've been going to gym for 6 weeks now after a 2 year break.
Can't do more than 4x10 @ JUST THE BAR.
I'm getting stronger at the other big lifts, I can even do three pullups in a row now after having been able to do just one six weeks ago.

How do I into OHP?

i really love OHP. its my favorite exercise. lifting heavy thing over head like a monke

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eat more lift more

It made me seethe 30mins ago
Another day, another failed PR attempt

This is a big lift that requires a coordinated effort of your entire shpulder/upper body girdle. To progress, everything has to get stronger/bigger. Every part of the selt, every part of the arm, upper chest, core, etc. Progress comes slow on ohp. Your best best for results is to eat and hammer away at the movement 3-4 times a week at least. You're only working with 45 lbs, so it's nothing you can't recovee from overnight

It's the ultimate masculine exercise. Make sure to do glute bridges/hip thrusts too. Glutes help stabilize your body while doing it.

Unfortunately ohp is as bastard as it is fair, if you eat more you'll make great gainz, but if you don't it won't go up

Unironically program it into 5x5 or 3x5. For most people doing the big 4, OHP is commonly the lightest lift. It's slow to progress with.
If your gym has them, use 1.25 LB plates to progress per week (basically adding 2.5 lbs to your OHP weight per week).
>using an olympic bar
Just get some rope, shoelaces, string, whatever to tie those 1.25 lb plates and hang it on the bar.

I like the OHP, but I always end up getting a pinched nerve in my neck doing them. Doesn't happen with dumbbells, though. I don't ego lift, and my form is good for the most part, but I have a hard time not instinctually pushing my neck down into my traps when doing it. Anyone else have this problem, and what did you do to correct it?

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use dumbbells, adjustable dumbbells, and use fractional weights. absolutely fucking hate barbell ohp, but dumbbell feels so much better.

It's dangerous and inferior to seated dumbbell press in every way

OHP is a superior exercise compared to bench press.

I’m sincerely sorry that this is the result of your hard work user. Better luck next life

Don't know where you got that shit from, dyels are pretty much the only ones who love doing this copelift