Keep it simple, stupid

Keep it simple, stupid.

Attached: Ultimate Minimalist Workout.png (1023x1966, 814.18K)

I have seen this image before. Please stop posting it every single day.

>for chest: dips (5x8) so that faggot in every thread is happy
That is me. I am that faggot. You should also do barbell rows. Barbell rows will build your entire back, while pull ups will only build your lats. If you want rear delts, traps, rhomboids and spinal erectors, do some sort of a barbell row.

You'll look like shit but do whatever you want idgaf.

This is missing a lot of muscles, just because extra muscles are used in the movement doesn't mean they're getting any noticeable stimulation.

Ive tried the minimalist shit for years, it doesn't work, you get nowhere, nothing happens.

With lifting you need a lot of volume, and a lot of variety in lifts, and progressive overload, you need all 3, and you need to hit all body-parts properly or they wont grow, simple as.

If youre not willing to do that, then just dont lift, because youre just wasting your time

Alternate bench press and overhead press. Forget about the L shaped pull ups, just do regular pull ups instead. Also give yourself more rest between sets. I rest at least 5 minutes between sets. Decreasing your rest time does not help you gain muscle or strength faster. Also try to lift 5-6 days a week. Otherwise, this isn’t a bad idea. But you will definitely need to spend more than 60 minutes a week if you want to get strong.

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Fucking retarded post. If you add overhead press, that routine hits all muscles in the body sufficiently. You probably have terrible body dysmorphia.

Never understood why L sit pull ups are used here, they’re easier in some cases like when learning to muscle up. I guess it hits your hip flexors but Im sure that wasnt why its included there

For abs, obviously

Yeah they are for abs. But it’s better to do normal pull ups and then add some leg raises or planks for abs. Or you could just overhead press abs squat and get decent abs involvement without doing anything else.

Or you could just abandon this stupid shit and do a normal routine

It is close to a “normal” routine. Just add overhead press and a couple auxiliaries.

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Shut up, retard.

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>you could just overhead press abs squat and get decent abs
This statement makes me think you look like shit, post body lardass

Looks retarded, unless someone posts results it's just a meme

Here you go faggot. I look like shit but at least I’m not a dumb pussy like you. I’m 6’5” and I can probably beat the fuck out of you cunt. Beast Titan is my physique inspo.

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This is what the fags giving advice on Any Forums actually look like.
Jesus fucking Christ.

I currently do squats, bench, leg extensions, leg curls, dead hang and pull ups. That's all really. Oh and cardio a couple of times a week. I feel like reducing everything down has made it easier to keep up the routine, in the long run is this a good routine, or will I need to add more to supplement it? Posting here because I like the idea of a simple, minimal routine that will actually work.

If you don’t post body then I and everyone else will assume you look worse than me. Post body pussy. Also I could still take you on nigger.

Based Olympic retard. :)

Should add some chin ups though for arms and back work (weighted at around 5-10kg) then it would be perfect. Muscular and functional.

Lmfao at this unexplainably overconfident skinny-fat dyel

You really think that body qualifies you to be giving lifting advice?

Funny how a skinny fat dyel has the balls to post body but you don’t. Here’s another, since I’m not a giant pussy. Did I mention that I’m 6’5”?

Attached: C3B4F3B8-C41F-4B05-BD88-4BBA9AE9DF66.jpg (1461x1665, 333.37K)

>he's still larping as dyel-user
you have to be over 18 to post on this website