Why are doctors and health experts such failures?

Are you better off listening to youtubers health gurus?

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from what i understand docs aren't taught jack shit about fitness or nutrition except the very basics.

>someone dies
>it was the vaccine
Two more years of this.

Are you retarded? He has (sorry, had) a fucking high risk job interacting with idiots like you. Idiots who think they (or whatever social media they "researched") is better, right up until they actually get sick & go to the hospital and try to finfect him. Congrats, one of you finally suceeded and killed him.

>except the very basics
And even that information is 50 years out of date.

>It's YOUR fault my shitty vaccine didn't work

would you entrust your health into hands of this guy?

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You don't get it, don't you? Doctors are not paid to fix your problems, they are paid to make you think that the solution to your problem is to take medication for the rest of your life. Since the medication itself does not fix the problem and only suppresses the symptoms, the root cause of the problem isn't fixed. This in turn creates more problems. Not only do you have to deal with the side effects of the medication they prescribe you, (no matter what doctors say, taking a medication that alter your organism/dna/chemicals on daily basis isn't healthy) but you also have to deal with your body trying to tell you that something is wrong and the medication prescribed isn't the solution. So you end up with MORE health problems.

Doctors think they are the smartest in society but truly they were brainwashed for years through their education system to think that a pill for the rest of your life = a solution. They are the biggest NPCs of society. These people are the most by-the-book individuals you will ever meet. They have an inflated ego due to spending so much time on studying their flawed science. Notice how all doctors are very close minded to other health disciplines. They will brush them off as being lesser science. Doctors are blinded by their ego. Of course what they learned can be useful but it is a very very incomplete science.


That obit photo had me rolling. Feel sorry for this fulla though, surgeons are highly trained and the loss of his life is a loss for the 1000s of people who he would have helped.

t. Dunning Kruger syndrome

The ridiculous amount of technical knowledge needed to go through actual med school is ridiculous and you would know nothing of it. Also a big part of that is knowing the actual mechanism of action that the medicine they give you do.

overglorified mechanics

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>go to school your whole life
>do what you are told
gee, i wonder
you're better off using your own educated judgement to discern who you should listen to

Nah. Stats on med school is pretty clear. By your last year, you dont retain around 80% of what you learned beforehand.

That's why specialization exists. GP's are pretty useless except for helping retards who cant look things up themselves, and for writing prescriptions and references.

Another fun stat: Those who go for a second opinion on their diagnoses, are diagnosed correctly more often by the 2nd doctor, than the first. That means that the 1st doctor people see are WRONG more often than they are right when it comes to a diagnoses.

No they aren't check out Dr. Shawn Baker.

Kys you worthless nigger faggot
You are disgrase to your family and should be raped in the ass by a fuxking gorilla
Also ywnbaw
Did the doctor deny you your HRT, pussy?
Stop posting this shitpost you retard


Covid has proven that 90% of doctors are NPC faggot drones who are just good at memorization

They are repairmen, not engineers. All they do is clean up after your mistakes.
Also, this whole 'anyone who dies ever is because of the vaccine thing' is fucking dumb.

And that 99% of nurses are morons with a God complex.

these are both unironically true and im a doctor
doctors know a lot about medicine for treating illness but general health and nutrition is not really what we learn in med school
nurses literally just follow orders and put in IVs and clean patients - their knowledge of health is totally overblown

I’m glad I still have an old white guy doctor who has critical thinking skills

Shits going to get bad when society has to rely on affirmative action med school retards and brown women

Vaccines dont instantly kill off any virus thats on your hands or anywhere on your body, you retard. its only meant to help your immune system make specific cells that target that specific virus which was in the vaccine so that it can kill it more efficiently - then it depends on person from person on how the immune system reacts to it.