Electrolytes and water

ive been feeling weird for a while and getting shaky/dizzy especially when i exercise. after doing some reading it seemed like it might be a potassium/salt issue

i got pic related and some other things and made a homemade electrolyte drink that basically has the exact same contents as pedialyte

when i tried it after exercise i definitely felt better, so the next morning i drank a glass on an empty stomach.

about a half hour later i started pissing like crazy. i pissed out almost 5lbs of water in the next while

is this a good thing or bad? from what i read your body tries to balance the salt levels, so it took water out to match this solution?

does anyone have any info on this or sources where i can learn more?

i can share my pedialyte recipe too if anyone wants it, its dirt cheap

Attached: [email protected] (1060x1060, 138K)

You didn't post the last time you said you would fag

stopped reading after first line
see a doctor
see a doctor
see a doctor

I use the exact same brand. I add 2.5 grams of potassium citrate (about 800 mg of potassium), 2.5 grams of salt, 1 gram of magnesium bisglycinate and 10 grams of L-citrulline to my pre-worky drink. It does make me pee, but not a ridiculous amount, only about 1-2 lb, and I attribute it mostly to the L-Citrulline based on previous experience taking L-citrulline alone.

Doctors are a scam

>feeling weird for a while
see a doctor
>shaky/dizzy especially when i exercise
see a doctor
>doing some reading
see a doctor
>seemed like it might be
see a doctor
>when i tried it
see a doctor
>started pissing like crazy
see a doctor
>pissed out almost 5lbs of water
see a doctor
>is this a good thing or bad?
see a doctor
>from what i read
see a doctor
>anyone have any info
see a doctor
>where i can learn more?
see a doctor

heres my recipe for 1L of water(a but more than 1 quart):
* i dont have powdered zinc or magnesium so i use capsules i already had

baking soda - 1gram
salt - 2.9g
potassium citrate - 2.5g
zinc piccolinate - 1/3 of 25 mg capsule
magnesium citrate - 1 capsule of 150mg
TANG drink mix powder - 1 heaping tablespoon

i add the tang for a bit of sugar. apparently sugar aids electrolyte absorption

You guys realize that if you go to a doctor with nothing but a half-assed "I feel weird" story then you'll only waste your time with nothing but a fat invoice to show for it

this gives a drink with (per litre):

sodium - 1412mg
chloride - 1759mg
potassium - 800mg
zinc - 8.3mg
magnesium - 150mg
sugar - 16g

which is very close to pedialyte, which is (per litre):
sodium - 1380mg
chloride - 1770mg
potassium - 780mg
zinc - 7.8mg
sugar (dextrose) - 16g

so its almost identical, except for the added magnesium and some of the ingredients

please go back dude

you're a moron who's killing himself
you do not know how to treat your potentially serious health problems

>dude haha i had a heart attack, can i take any supps for that lol
>hey everything's going dark is that normal, i read tahatgb,.\

>killing himself
with salt and electrolytes? are you actually retarded?

killing himself with feeling dizzy and passing out for unexplained reasons and not getting checked the fuck out, you fucking infantile mongoloid
get the fuck over yourself

ive never passed out in my life. youd go to a doctor if you occasionally felt dizzy, particularly after exercise? why??

how many ssris/psych meds are you on? be honest

Jesus christ you're fucking retarded.

ok i will trust le science and go see mr doctor man next time i feel dizzy. youve won yet another fake argument on the internet that nobody started, thanks

mind if other people talk about electrolytes now?

If you're getting fucking "shaky/dizzy" after every workout you have no fucking idea what's wrong with you, it COULD be nothing, or you could have a heart problem, you could have high blood pressure, you could have lung problems, poor oxygen saturation, circulation in the brain, YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW what's wrong with you. Getting shaky and dizzy is not fucking normal. So yes you should go to a fucking doctor instead of just loading up on fucking electrolytes that might make things worse. Potassium can fuck you up, it's not just a vitamin C tablet you're talking about here.

>how many ssris/psych meds
The fact that you leap to this extreme shows how much of an ignorant tool you are. You can't bear the fact that you have no idea what's causing your health problems so you just assume that anyone who tells you you aren't a self-diagnosing genius must mean they're "hooked on psychs". You are an infantile mongoloid and you deserve whatever happens to you. I wash my hands of you, good luck with your life you stubborn self-destructive child.

ok thx


note, you will die if you drink it

a full litre contains 800mg which is the same as a potato, so be sure to consult a medical professional before each sip

seriously though ive been using it a cpl weeks and it really helps with exercise in the heat

*800mg of potassium