Any Forums aesthetics thread

post ideals

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Bumping good thread

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I can only think about the bees when I see nic cage

i unironically suggest you watch this video

TLDR; that entire movie was supposed to be a dark humor comedy, that's why the last part is so outlandish with him punching people around and what not, but the studio was like "yeah lets just make it seem like this is a serious story, but keep the comedic aspects"

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Holy this looks good. Artists name or where did you find this?

That looks dangerous

It's 3 hours long jesus

perfect bf right here
how can i twinkmaxx or femboymaxx to trap a man like this?

I know this isn't /fa/g, but does anyone have the ID on this tshirt?

I literally just searched for what the sweater said + "sweater" and found some place called Golden Aesthetics, seems like the place for it.

while I genuinely felt like he entire video is very good, the only relevant part for you is the first bit that explains "why did nic cage become a meme".

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Didn't this film flop hard in the box office?

Not watching some lame breakdown by a whiny millenial. I'll give the film a go.

the lion does not consider the opinion of the sheep.
it's an excellent movie, but wasn't appreciated by marvel zoomers who didn't get 1 hour of quirky quips, le awkward relatable humour and greenscreen cgi citydestroying fights.
to be fair, a lot of the trailers and especially what was revealed before the movie dropped was the early bit when they raid in the land of the Rus, so I think a lot of expectations were made entirely on that.

reasonable. if you watch pure Cage kino, watch Mandy and Vampire's Kiss

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Let's say I delivered it to your house, would you wear it? Or just keep it like a man-toy?
Asking because I buy so much of meme shit and now two third of my wardrobe is filled with things I can't wear in public, only can wear it with friends which is a shame cause I don't have any

I loved the movie. Very indo-european.

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What if he falls?