Teehee my boyfriend needs to be able to bench 225 lb for 5 reps

>teehee my boyfriend needs to be able to bench 225 lb for 5 reps
>AND be able to run a 6:30 minute mile

Well Any Forums?

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>constantly busy with your career and passion
>dress classy
>women stare at you
>walk like you don't see them
>bonus points if you look weirded out at them
Feels good to make women seethe

Don't see the problem just every day is upper body day and do sprints

>implying girls care about how much you lift and not just looks

The real trick to a fast mile time is a lot of slow miles. If you increase your mileage per week your mile time will go up for sure. Anyone who hits 20 miles a week will have a decent mile time.

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I can do both

If the girl lifts too or you bring her to the gym with you she’ll start to care.

Had a buddy who got his girlfriend into lifting, but then he’d get insecure with her at the gym because of all the ripped gym chads who were moving a lot more weight than him, and his girlfriend staring at them.

I remember he told me that once his girlfriend asked why he couldn’t deadlift 400 lb like the other guys if he had been lifting for 4 years.


Don’t bring your girl to an environment where you get badly mogged. Like being the only guy at the pool who doesn’t know how to do a proper dive. Or the only guy who doesn’t know how to play a musical instrument.

you get better at running if you run more weekly? WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>bonus points if you look weirded out at them

You know they just see you as a deranged weirdo right?

I’m saying this as a retard who thought just doing a lot of sprints would increase my mile time. Doing sets of 10 100 meter max speed sprints did jack shit for my mile time, lots of jogging was the cure.

Why does he need to do that?

All seriousness as a former collegiate 800m runner (and steeplechase bitch if we needed points):

Mid distance sprinting will get you more towards a faster mile time than short distance sprinting or distance running.

His gf was staring at them because they were RIPPED chads
If a powerfatty moves 700lbs from the floor not a single female fuck is given

>wanting a low resolution girlfriend
Fuck off boomer I want 4K bitches

I feel bad because I’ve finally become a tall handsome Chadlite with muscle, a cool car, and high grades in Uni, but I’m still super insecure because I have ARFID which basically means that I’m a super picky eater because of muh autism. The only meat I eat is breaded chicken, I can’t eat pizza or hot dogs or even a burger. I’m terrified of going out for dinner or getting food on a date.

There is some lols from it though, I’ve heard from friends of friends months after the fact of Stacies wondering why I didn’t ask them out or why I’m single all the time. They thought I felt I was too good for them or that I’m a playboy who is fucking girls elsewhere, when I’m just an anxious insecure autist.

Still making bank
half of what you own
half of what you - half of what you own

You better tell him to get training then love

5k time of 18:30
305 for 5

These trips need a check sent to the bank

I like men.

Yee. I was in long distance track in high school.
260lbs and I was able to hit a 7:00 mile.