How much % of your working weight do you use as your warm up and deload superset? is 50% and only 1 set good enough?

how much % of your working weight do you use as your warm up and deload superset? is 50% and only 1 set good enough?

How many sets do you do? Weekly?

Attached: preggo.jpg (1080x1080, 98.28K)

I thought the baby was going to be black kek

bro what happened to her hips?????? holy shit she went from a 7-8/10 to a 5-6//10 jesus

You will never be white yourself so I can understand the confusion :)

How do I get this bros... I'm 6'3" with a big dick I just want a tradwife

Yeah, that's what happens, pregnancy changes a womans body. It's so funny to see single retards telling anons to leave their fat wives when they've put their bodies through the grinder making their spawn

My mother gained weight after both her pregnancies but shes not a colossal gluttonous dipshit so she lost it all. Fucking faggot retard, hope you die


maybe start talking to women
I know, it's radical idea

There's nothing more beautiful than a pregant woman.

OK anyone have an idea that isn't stupid like ? Maybe a new routine or my PRs aren't high enough?

unironically go to church

you might be onto something. But how can you subtlety let them know, that you just implemented new routine, without talking to them?

>this girl got her pussy crushed and creampied
>someone pumped her womb full of cum multiple times
>she cannonically got her tummy filled with semen

I've been attending mass for 35 years of my life. Still not gf

confirmed fertility is my ultimate fetish.
this women will give you strong sons.

Be trade and make money lmao

Fertility isn't a fetish it's just life. Jerking off to pregnant chicks is a fetish tho and a weird one

Yikes. You've never been with a girl at 35?

Nope. I've got avoidance personality disorder. One broad, I met on the internet, even moved cities to live and work closer to me. Still didn't do it, kek. I mean, I'm not really laughing, it's kind of depressing. I'm fucked, bro.

user that is depressing. Pls get help that works immediately unironically while you're still young-ish