Bros teach me how to make friends

bros teach me how to make friends

i’ve wasted the last 5 years of my life being isolated and sad

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If you want to make a friend, be a friend :)

do ecstacy, go to a night club and find the meanest, biggest, most striated alpha male in the club and suck his dick, i guarantee you will be bros

Follow people around until you wear down their defenses and they let you into their heart.

Past hs/college, it's impossible, you missed out. People already have pre established social groups and don't need anymore new members, sorry you wasted your youth but hey, that's life

This doesn’t work. Someone at work does this to me and he is very annoying

Stop being sad. Being unhinged is way more fun

Jokes aside same shit with me. For circumstances out of my control. Which is why I've been working out for a couple years now, and with no one to see the results but me.

Not true. People make friends all throughout life. My dad makes a new friend everyday, people are just drawn to him for some reason. He's in his 60s. I am 30 and even though I barely have a life outside of work/school even I have a standing offer from a acquaintance to hangout. I don't take it though because I am too busy. Go outside and do things, be open to people, look them in the eye, and you will meet people.

Is he tall?

is who tall?

you can be my friend user ;)

hug me

I know your pain user. Sometimes only when I sleep is when I have a good time. I wish good things for you.

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thanks user
i see so many groups of people my age at my workplace having fun and i wish i’m that could be me but i’m socially retarded and anxious

Those aren't true, real friends, just someone they hang out with. Nice cope tho loser

thats fucking gay

you still have your defenses up, they'll get you eventually

user it is possible that you are simply negatively charged, and naturally push people away rather than draw them towards you. this is nothing to be ashamed of, the magnetic effect requires both and you can choose to fulfil your telos in life or waste it chasing a false version of yourself.

google "the courage to be disliked epub" good luck user!

Join a community where people congregate like a boxing gym or dog park, say hi to people and smile, talk about things relevant to the activities you’re both doing. Hopefully you meet them again and talk about different things, find out what you both like and make a connection based on that. Of course some people might want not want to be friends but it doesn’t hurt being friendly to them, maybe some of them also want some friends

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