Too weak to curl

>be 20yo DYEL
>start trying to get in shape
>dad gives me a set of 15kg dumbells to use
>can't lift them

What the fuck do i do?
Cheat curl until i have the required strength for strict reps?
Go buy some 10kg ones and work my way up ?

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deadlift them, split squats, floor press, ohp, 1 arm snatch, push press, thrusters, goblet squat

Work way up

do something other than fucking curls, mong

hold the ends of one and curl it with both hands
like a mini barbell

or you could start by curling a 12 pack of soda
chris chan did that once, and she is a jecked monster

>curl 7kilo to practice curling 15k

What dumbfuck advice is this

Try hammer curl

You mean he?

Wtf is kg?

Let me guess, you're one of those guys who benched 405s for reps the first day you've been to a gym because "tee-hee guiz I'm natuwawy stwong"
Kill yourself fatty

Killer Gains

Christina Chandler, chud

Curl one with both arms to get a pump going as warm up. Use one arm to curl as hard as you can with a single arm. Use the other arm to assist with the least amount of assistance necessary in order to complete the movement. Let go and allow the arm to naturally fall while resisting, performing negatives. Make sure not to assist too make or it will defeat the purpose. Do several repetitions of this. Make sure both parts of the curl are extremely difficult to do. Your arms should be jello by the end, almost incapable of curling anything. You'll be able to curl them one handed in no time

>lift a lighter weight to be able to lift a heavier weight
Thats literally how strength training works

Nigger this isn't the first time you posted this in the past couple month, go buy lighter dumbbells already you retard

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expecting a genuine conversation about building strength from Any Forums

Based retard curling 30kg to practice curling 15kg

Dude I started with 5s and now I'm using 17s but feeling like I need to go buy heavier ones soon, just go and buy lighter ones. You can buy 5kg hex plastic+sand dumbbells on Amazon for nothing. Also yes I did cheat reps but I would only add weight/reps once I had good form, not just continue doing additional cheat reps. They're fine as long as you progress to perfect form before adding more to it.
Stop putting hurdles in your way it's all in your mind, drop the ego and drop the weight first then work up to your 15kgs.

My dad gave me these weights two days ago. Literally my first post about this topic you lying homosexual