The fucking farmers walk

Why did no one ever tell me about the farmer's walk? This shit is so based. It is such an easy exercise but I really feel it throughout the whole body, it's fantastic. All up the arms, my traps and shoulders, my core.

I think I am gonna complete every session I do from now on by just farmers walking until failure. Fuck it. This shit rules.

Attached: farmers-walk-Ian.png (400x552, 327.23K)

What sort of weight should one be doing for the farmers walk? or is it more about time

Very based and functional exercise

Load up one side for each rep as opposed to balancing out both hands for optimal stabilizer and posture gains

new athlean x video just dropped
>farmers walk: 15 things you are doing wrong

>It is such an easy exercise but I really feel it throughout the whole body

you have literally never done a farmers walk in your entire life. imagine thinking you feel that shit in your entire body. fucking idiot.

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fuck you, you stupid insecure bitch.

this sounds like a nice way to fuck up your back

Had never thought of that, thanks user

I did tell you about it 2 months ago :/

For sure if you go too heavy just like most exercises. You should only load up whatever your grip can reasonably handle

It's about time. Or distance. I do mine based on distance and leave a minute rest tops between "sets"

It's a great way to strengthen the obliques actually

kys retards

Bodyweight per hand is a good goal
>It's about time. Or distance.
Time as in quick or long? I prefer to do it for weight and speed.

It's fine but it's just an assistance exercise.

Can I do a light weight farmers carry on the treadmill for hypertrophy across my whole body?

Not really. Farmers aren't very good for hypertrophy. It's more of an isometric strength exercise for grip/forearms, upperback, posterior chain, etc. It's why people stress good range of motion on exercises for hypertrophy.

>OPs pic
>weird physique
>can't tell why, just looks off
lanklet's curse

>you have literally never done a farmers walk in your entire life.
Have you,retard?

I do them too, and but i walk like a drunk man lol
I'm doing 2 reps with 10kg playe for probably 30m~ i'd say, then 2 at 20kg
I'm doing them on socks since i have orthopedic insoles (flat feet), don't want to risk fucking them up with the added weight

This, you feel it in your forearms and shoulders. I never feel it anywhere else.