
How do anons that work in factories balance work and lifting.

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Used to work in a factory. It was so stressful that even after fixing my diet, I was still so fucked up that I couldn't produce a healthy level of testosterone. I had no energy, my hair was falling out, my sleep sucked ass, I was never happy, etc. Couldn't do it man. I couldn't muster the energy to do anything outside of work. I'd come home and just feel so drained and depressed and sad that I didn't want to do anything but sleep. Couldn't even do that. I'd lay there for hours just wishing I didn't have to go back. Tried lifting while working there, but it sucked so bad and it was so draining to force myself to do it that it just wasn't feasible. Lifts also sucked ass and I made 0 progress. Just broke my body down more. Fuck, washing clothes and cooking meals was barely feasible. That place fucked my hormones so bad. I'll never do it again.

Since leaving life is quite a lot easier. Would not recommend factory work if you don't abso-fucking-lutely have to do it in order to meet basic survival needs.

tf did you work, the Radium Corp. factory in the 1940s?

what kind of factory did you work in?

Roper Corporation. They make stoves for GE and now Electrolux. I was exposed to carcinogenic enamel chemicals on a daily basis in 2 of the separate positions I worked there, for which they did not provide adequate PPE. The first position it was all over the place floating in the air. The second one it was significantly reduced, but it was still around. In both jobs I would quite literally perform the exact same repetitive action of picking up a stove part, off of a moving line, turning around, and placing it on another line. It was the most depressing brick-in-the-wall shit I have ever experienced. If I knew I could get away with it I would burn the place down. I don't give a fuck if they make good stoves or whatever. Everyone there always talked about how they wanted to leave but were either too scared they would fuck it up was depressing.

I ended up flipping my absolute shit on one of the guys that worked there because I had a psychotic break from reality. The doctor told me it was from the stress. I was hallucinating he was talking shit about me like a coward and got in his face. I got fired, releasing me from slavery, forcing me to figure it out and burning the bridge. I'll never work there again, or any other factory for that matter.

I feel the gradual stress building and building. I worked in a couple poultry plants and other food related factories. My problem is factories are the only employment around and when I'm unemployed I just jerk off all day and get depressed.

Alls I'm saying fellow anons, is if you cannot handle repetitive, tedious, boring ass work all day for years on end without exposure to sunlight don't go. The people that work there have nothing to say. They have no novel thought. They have no new experiences. They do the same goddamned thing all day every single day, go home, and dope themselves up to cope with it. Everyone there drank or did drugs. EVERYONE. We did LSD on the line a couple of times just to spice things up. A buddy of mine would go to lunch and snort some coke just to feel good for a few minutes. I started getting drunk every day at work toward the end. It's so soul crushing. Even if the actual work isn't difficult, that's not the point. It grinds you down to a shell of a human that will look at the phone mindlessly and half heartedly fake laugh at memes your coworkers share with you. You will eventually turn into one of these people if you get complacent. They might want to leave, but they're stuck in the trap. They don't know how they got there and they don't know how to leave. All they know is that they will stay there for 60 years until they retire. And then you talk to coworkers that have family or friends that retire, and their pension pays so little that they are literally incapable of surviving on it.

Go work somewhere else. Do not EVER be complacent with even stepping foot into a fucking factory. It will mold you into a drone and you will lose the capacity for free thought. Any other job is better. Collaborate with other people to figure out some business or something man. I think literally sucking dick and stealing money from clients would unironically be a better gig than factory working.

What did you do after leaving factory work

My city has 2 fish factories. They cut, chop and pack fish and shit. Its pretty chill work and there are so many people that go to the gym that also work on those factories and they are swole as fuck.

I unironically have figured out a plan for if I ever think that I need to get a shit job like that again. I now own a van. If I needed to, I would work somewhere that is low stress, save up a bit, buy a rifle, and live in my van. Then I would go around to all the local farmers and ask them if I could hunt hogs on their property. They will almost certainly say yes since hogs are an invasive species and a pest that fucks their crops. Don't even need a hunting license in this instance. Then I would get it processed at the local plant. I've done carnivore and know I can thrive on 2 lbs of meat a day. A decent sized hog will yield 130 lbs. That's 2 months of eating. Attach solar panels to the van and a few batteries. Now you can attach a 8 cubic ft freezer to it. You're good to go for 2 months a hog now and you can travel. Already have batteries and panels.

Rifle: 450
Bullets: 20
Processing fees: 80
Van insurance: 130 a month
Tiny trailer: 200
8 cubic ft freezer: 250

Recurring fees to live are gas for the van, maintenance for the van, spices and kitchen shit, insurance, bullets, and a gym membership to shower and workout. That lifestyle is so cheap that it's possible to do on minimum wage part time. I would seriously rather do this than to ever work a shit job again. It's not gonna happen chief. NEVER AGAIN. Life is too goddamned short to live in a factory. Especially considering I could be eating spiced meat, cheap eggs, and all the other carnivore foods. I could work for like 3-4 months and afford to live like this for several years. I think I have legitimately been traumatized by working those shit jobs, especially Roper. I have nightmares that I'm making up and I have to go back.

cool story OP reinforces why selling weed to high school kids in a legal weed state is the best job ever (ie my job)

just so you know user, wild hogs eat a lot of animal feces... you are what you eat!

Unemployed for a few months to relax and destress from the nightmare

Then got a job with AAA as a roadside assistance tech. Lived in the company van (the owner didn't know), showered at the gym, did clothes at the coin laundry. Moved all the shit in the back and stacked it on top of each other. Worked 6 days a week, driving, doing easy shit all day. Saved money. Paid off all my debts. Got a credit score of 780. Applied for 2 cards. Got a total credit approval of 30k. Quit AAA after saving some more. Currently distressing again, fixing my body from eating all the shit food that came along with driving all day. In 2 months I'll be on track to get back at it. Bought a box truck and all the supplies necessary to turn it into a mobile home. Also bought a van. Box truck is not yet serviceable. Will be temporarily living out of van while I'm building the box truck. Currently out of the country chilling. Also, not gonna pay those credit card kikes back. If I can land a sales job when I get back to the States I'll go do that, live in the van, save more money, and pay someone to fix up my box truck. After that I'll be able to live for the rest of my life with just 1 year of savings from the sales position. And guys, I know this all sounds schizo and retarded, but I don't care. I don't care if no woman will be with me for living in a box truck or whatever the fuck. I want freedom goddamnit. I have been a slave all of my life and now I have a definitive end date and goal for when I'll be done. I can retire before 30 if I want. I'm done with the shit. I'm done waking up to an alarm and punching a clock. I'm done sacrificing my time and health for a meager bs paycheck to buy shit I don't ultimately need

Fuck globohomo

what about getting a education so you can make more money doing something that is interesting or not as shitty as factory work?

I mean, there are other animals to hunt in Georgia. Hogs are just plentiful and hunting land would be easy to find if farmers want them gone. They are able to be hunted with the least restrictions and provide a ton of meat so it would be my first go to option. We also have deer, alligator, and a bunch of other animals you can hunt. I could also drive my house to the beach and catch fish all day if I wanted. I could have a pretty decent selection of wild meats and add other store bought carnivore foods. Even with a miniscule amount of money it would go a long way living that kind of life. I'm so close I can almost taste it. I am so close to finally being free user

You, sir, are king of kings. Godspeed user you will make it.

Tried college for a bit. It is just as mind numbingly boring as factory work to me. I couldnt imagine being chained to a desk, or reporting to some jackass who is likely only in his position because he's been with a company forever. I don't fit in with any of the college people. I decided it wasn't for me. I also don't fit in with the tradesmen. Tried a few of those jobs, just never resonated with me.

There are quite a few jobs in sales that require only a high school education and that pay fucking bank though. Sales is the highest paid part of any industry, there is no college for it, they don't require experience, and they hire anyone with a pulse. Sales jobs keep growing. Nobody wants to be a salesman. I think I could do that in my sleep, it sounds fun, and pays a lot. I'll work as a salesman for a year and probably retire in my box truck mobile home, going wherever I please eating fresh hunted meat. I need and want nothing more. Hell, I could even find a way to make some cash while living in my truck that would make it self sustaining

Just do both. I used to work in a steel factory and still went lifting. It's in your head.

whatever it takes to break out of the rat maze... don't give up!

Better question: how do they resist suicide?

Legitimate scientific answer: There are 2 traits that make the perfect factory worker. Stupid and low in conscientiousness. Stupid people do not seem to mind doing repetitive tasks for long periods of time, even for years on end. It just bothers them a lot less. People low in conscientiousness do not question their circumstances or the consequences of their own actions. They will say shit like "well that's just life. There's nothing I can do about it." So the average factory worker will be some combination of these.

They will just do the shit, not worry about it and go home and watch a football game, do that for 60 years, get fucked by a laughably low pension and wonder how it happened to them. Then they will curse God and say he screwed them. They just want their 30 minute break, to be able to scroll Facebook, eat their goyslop, fuck their wives once a month, pay off their 30 year mortgage, and go to Disneyland once a year. They will also openly mock people for trying to change their circumstances, calling them ungrateful and go out of their way to tell them it won't work because anything they have tried has not worked because they are too stupid to make literally anything work.

In short their personality literally had then designed to be perfect work cattle. That's not even being mean either. If jobs like trucking and factory work didn't exist then they would literally not be capable of functioning in society because they are simply incapable of doing anything else.

I'm starting to think it is. Maybe it's I haven't committed to working a harder job to accustom to more workload.

Another problem is just environment. The poorer parts of the Midwest are just factory jobs. I don't even know of any trade jobs because there is almost no infrastructure being built around here.