Guys, i'm poor asf and i have a idea

I live in Latin America and I have almost no money to buy food to make a healthy bulk without gaining a lot of fat and gaining a lot of protein.
I can't buy red meat because it is VERY expensive.
White meat like fish and chicken either, as it is also very expensive.
But I have seen that you can get chicken organs VERY cheap, like 2 kilos for half a dollar.
Pros : I have eaten them and I like them very much.
Cons : I don't know if they benefit with a lot of protein or if they have a lot of fat.
Anyone who knows and can help me?

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Google the nutritional values of the organs you want to buy? It's that simple

it has a little more fat than chicken breast and a little less protein per 100g. about the same amount of calories. it is called giblets and if its cheaper i would say go for it

Sounds good to me, also the best organ you can get is beef or chicken liver

eating chicken liver rn . (1) muscle meats are far less offensive then organ meats. (2) ensure that the chickens you're going to be eating are fed a high quality diet. organic , pasture raised, no corn or onions etc

Attached: meal.jpg (4000x3000, 3.2M)

onions = onions

Try this thing called a job

Tautologies are an important part of logic to remember, thanks user

Organ meats are king. Get your gains bro.

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basedbeans s0yb3ans soibeanz baaasedyyybeans $0ll334ns $0ibeans

if the organs come from factory farms and they are bad, mega mass production no care for the animals tier... the organs will be low quality too

can't you find some small local farmer and buy from him? that's what I do. if you have a lawn or some ground. having your own chickens is piss easy


chicken liver and chicken giblets are actually more nutritious than chicken breasts.
if the taste isn't a problem for you, just go for it.

how about eggs? organs are good too just be careful about vitamin overdose

I think giblets are great. I make them with spices like urucum in the pressure cooker.

tugo peronista puto

Organ meats are great. Look up an old time bodybulding trainer Vince Gironda, pic related, he swore by liver

Attached: vince_gironda-01.jpg (359x600, 87.73K)

Problem with organs in Latin America is that sometimes they feed them enough clenbuterol for it too bioacummulate in organs to doses high enough to fuck you up
I don't know if that happens with chickens, it does happen with cows, so be careful and don't just gorge down a lot of chicken organs at once, start with small amounts and build up over a week or so, do it again whenever you change sources, and be on the lookout for clenbuterol overdose symptoms
Also look up for the micronutrient amounts of whatever you will eat, sometimes you can overdose like that too with organs
You would probably have a much easier time just buying some hens and eating eggs, the jew fears the indoor chicken farmer
Chicken liver is insanely good with rice

Organ meat is great. Eggs and tongue are also insanely cheap protein in the states. I know tongue is pretty popular south of the border though

It depends on the organ. The heart is a muscle and should have the most protein. Livers have vitamins, but also toxins/waste being processed out of the chicken's body. The other giblets I'm less certain about, but I'd limit liver/kidney somewhat and mainly get heart if they're sold seperately.

Based OP. Just make sure you’re aware of the nutrition of what you’re eating. Too much liver can cause vitamin A hyper toxicity. Not sure about other organs