Achievable natty?


Attached: CA00AAC0-8829-4CFE-8848-EA88CAE8EE39.jpg (1284x1976, 288.95K)

This is what happens when you sumo deadlift too wide.

Postan in the daily elephant foot thread

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All hail the Elephant Foot

Attached: 1656530650498.jpg (1200x570, 446.82K)

>tranime poster
>ifag filename

Mônica if she real

Attached: cron097.gif (356x300, 29.88K)

Very based

Attached: Screenshot_20220703-011202.jpg (641x630, 80.25K)

How does this happen? Diabeetus?

Attached: diabeetus.jpg (480x360, 13.49K)

built for crocs

Knew a nigga in middle school with no toes on one of his feet. IIRC, he had to get them removed at an early age due to some kinda condition. Had to wear specialty shoes. Was kind of an autist, but also a pretty decent friend. Saw him again randomly a few times at my company's cafeteria years later before the pandemic. Small world


holy fucking kek


peep the hot load in his pantaloons

my brother

Attached: Elephant wig.webm (960x1706, 2.49M)

what show is this? looks more like western cartoon than animu

so much transfat and cholesterol to the point that your smaller veins get blocked out, effectively killing that part of your body. most of the time they dont even notice, since the nerve endings die out aswell. but if they continue with this unhealthy lifestyle they can also block and kill their fingers or even their entire foot.

excellent post

I dont belive you


Shingeki no Bahamut:Virgin Souls
Don't bother, it's shit. SnB:Genesis is good though.

I hate this picture so fucking much because I can perfectly imagine the smell of it: a mix of feet, rotten cheese and dirty public bathrooms

Attached: nasal-ranger.jpg (610x520, 327.93K)

how they dont die before anything this horrible happens?