/fraud/ America Fuck Yea

4th of July Edition

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:
>reddit link
yeah, might help, might not. Reddit is full of niggers.

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual. Stop being a pussy.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk. WINK WINK

No sarms talk. If you want to discuss shitty cum filled pills then make your own thread.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.
Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. Use steroidplotter.com/

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- time spent training
(You won't tho)

Previous Retardation:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can anyone speak from experience on tren subq vs im? Ive heard the sides are worse subq but it might also work better

gonna run test/primo/var soon

I've only ever did tren subq accidentally on ventro and it went horribly. Swelled like a cunt.

Like what you're suddenly not gonna have worse sleep, sweats or something if you do subq? I highly fucking doubt it.

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That was my first cycle, except winny instead of var as a kickstart and superdrol as a finisher. I had a good time, cant really imagine doing it again tho.

Primo added a hardness to your shoulders that looks nice, EQ does the same tho.

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It's the opposite,the sweats and sleep are supposed to be worse subq. But you might be able to use a lower dose

Fuck wrong reply, cooking bacon.
meant for

>cant really imagine doing it again tho.
and what was superdrol like, I heard its one of the most toxic orals you can take

How much deca with 400 test? What else should I add? 12 weeks bulking wanna get strong

>No source talk
How do I find a legal source then?

if you know how to google you can find a lot of grey area sources, you dont need tor for it

>How do I find a legal source
>for illegal drugs
Gee let me think

Maybe from a health perspective it's better, but i wouldn't inject tren if I was doing it for health kek. Worse sides on tren is not something I'd want for a bit of extra effectiveness.
It was good but you have to push it the envelope if you wanna look better. When I first tried superdrol, it was a "oh fuck this is steroids". First day, 20mg immediately hitting harder weights and getting better pumps. One month of super and it looked I had another 10 pounds of lean tissue. Winny was a nice boost, but it wasn't anywhere near the slap in your face that super and anadrol hit you with.

You could make some drug addict comparison but I consider it a logical progression. Once you start big boy compounds like npp and tren. You'll see better results, I'm looking into slin and hgh now. As long you're hitting your training goals, swim times, runs and size gains, strength numbers, it's all a tool.

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>and what was superdrol like, I heard its one of the most toxic orals you can take
tfw tapering up to running 30mg sdrol, 100 var, 100 wini
we give you hints and our emails
bet you never had one detention growing up

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bros i was real fucked up sayin wild shit last night here after midnight.
i did meet a gh bro, if you roll up, i got a video for you

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Supposed to be starting my cruise this week but my next blast just arrived in the mail.
Digits and I start blasting now.

Yeah I could tell by the way you were typing. Take it easy.

i was playing wz with my bro and he's like hey you are using words. so knew it was time for bed kek.
stressful job + a long 4th of july weekend = get sloppy.

Trying to figure out wtf you're saying T, you got videos on GH?
Rolling for you

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I recognize this pic... Shädman...

well i was watching it, and excited to share. never seen before. but the more i watched i just realize this guy is just tryharding to pay for his private coaching . he claims to know how to get and use legit gh, with the best protocols and looks like this AT A SHOW

Attached: amen.jpg (225x225, 12.06K)

>spend half an hour reading research articles
>suddenly realise everything everybody says about steroids on the internet is fucking stupid
is this what they meant when they said ignorance was bliss?

oh man, would you share what you learned over your extensive research of a half hour?

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