How much brotein is 2 much brotein?

Hypothetically speaking, let's say you didn't eat .8g of brotein per lb of bodyweight. What if you just worked out really fucking hard maybe 2 to 3 times per day then ate a kilogram of brotein per day? Would this result in exponential gainz? Would you die?

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spontaneous combustion.

>work out really hard for 2-3 times a day
my joints would explode and I would be stuck in a wheel chair.

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1kg of protein total? Yeah, you'd probably get sick or die. It would be hard to eat that little in reality unless you eat nothing but sugar and oil.

depending on your weight anywhere from 120-200g or protein will be optimal...anything past that won't do anything no matter how much your workout a day

Thought that meant 1g, lol I'm retarded. But yeah 1kg of protein would also probably make you sick and be useless.

>eat that little
huh??? 1KG of brotein would be 4000 calories worth of whey protein isolate, if you drink isopure.

>anything past that won't do anything no matter how much your workout a day
How do you know? What if the key this whole time was just eating 5 chickens for overnight gainz? What if all that brotein turned into muscle in your body? You would be adding 1kg of lean mass every day? How do we know this doesn't work? Is it toxic to eat that much protein? What if you spread it out? Maybe 1kg is too much, why not 500g?

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we know because they've done studies on this....simply put (for people that don't know much) you can measure muscle protein synthesis and amounts of protein ingestion and see how much hypertrophy your muscles go through...thats a very oversimplification but you get the picture

I see. Is there a way to increase muscle protein synthesis without gear?

You didn't post a picture bro

>without gear
Why do this??

absolutely just eating the optimal amount of protein a day (0.7g to 1.5g per KG of bodyweight daily )from a high quality source such as eggs, meat, whey etc will give you the best results and lifting weights...You have to do both

Risks too high, rewards too little. It's a bad trade if you're under 40.

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here you go...back acne from roiding

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Risks of test? You could be cruising on 125mg/week of test for 10 years and not see bad side effects bro.

I made all this up but pretty sure it's safe and you're retarded.

I can't tell if these are memes we told you so you don't get on gear too or memes you tell yourself to justify your cowardice and failure.

>just eating the optimal amount of protein a day (0.7g to 1.5g per KG of bodyweight daily
That's wrong but I understand your point.
>best results and lifting weights...You have to do both
I already do both. I eat ALL the eggs. I want to unlock hidden levels without cheats.

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Your body can't store protein. It would use whatever it can for it's immediate needs, then process what it can into sugar use it for energy, or store that as glycogen if you have room. If you don't have room for that it'll turn those sugars into fat and store that. Processing protein into sugar is hard and cuts off an ammonia group, your piss while have some protein as well as a lot of ammonia. This would also be hard on your kidneys and your blood chemistry will be all fucked up, could have effects all over your body.
Something in the cycle also uses calcium if I remember right, so you're going to end up with brittle bones.

Protein is building the muscle
Working out is what pays the rent
It's like trying to build a house with 1000 carpenters and no bricks

>Muscle too fast, joints and tendons don't keep up, permanent damage.
>Rapid hair loss
>Accelerated aging
>organ damage especially the heart
>sexual and genital dysfunctions including hormone production
And the pros
>larger muscles

>Your body can't store protein
It does though, it stores it as muscle.
>It would use whatever it can for it's immediate needs
Exactly so you work out really hard 2-3 times per day really tear up those muscle fibers so your body has to use the whole kilogram of protein and boom you made 10 days worth of gains in 1 day.

>Muscle too fast, joints and tendons don't keep up, permanent damage.
Oh yeah this is a TV show where you inject one test and your spine starts to move around and aaaaah the muuuuuscles, you have too much, you move your hand and accidentally your forearm detaches from your biceps. TOOOOO MUUUCH POOOOOWA.
>Rapid hair loss
True on steroids, meme on test
>Accelerated aging
You inject on steroids and all of a sudden you're trying to fuck with Magneto's head.
>organ damage especially the heart
If you blast for years and years yes. Blast.
>sexual and genital dysfunctions including hormone production
Bullshit, have mates whose dick got a lot fatter and a bit longer. They fuck 3 times a day and are confident af.
>larger muscles
This is true.

there's other things you can do as well to build muscle....for example eating a ton of calories, taking creatine to lift depends what you're trying to achieve (e.g. nikocado mode for 3pl8 bench, or fight club twink)

You can keep trying to shill gear but I'm not buying.
My question was just how much brotein is 2 much brotein. I want more

>It stores it as muscle
It repairs muscles and will consume them if the protein is needed more somewhere else. It's not just going to grow an extra 800g of muscle with the spare stuff after it's done fixing.
If you do enough damage that your body could actually use a whole kg of protein to repair it all, it won't repair quickly enough to utilise all the protein before it's converted into something else or pissed out.

>You can keep trying to shill gear but I'm not buying.
Good, stay a little bitch. There is 0 chance you can ever catch up in life with someone on gear so the fewer people on it the better.