Is it good or bad to use anger and hatred as a motivator?

is it good or bad to use anger and hatred as a motivator?

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just enter a fat people hate thread and see for yourself

use what you've got till you find something better. the weights don't care why you're lifting them and neither does your body care why you're active.

It’s great.
There’s reason Jedi never beat siths in a 1-v-1

I do this. The only thing is that on days when I'm in a good mood, it can be hard for me to get hyped for a big lift beforehand.

as long as it doesnt harm anyone, i think its okay

only when you have the high ground

Same here. Can’t hit the rage fueled PRs or get as many reps on a happy day.

All my hatred and anger are directed at myself

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I wish. I'm like that Ravenloft werewolf darklord that reverts to his weak human form whenever he gets angry. I always fuck shit up when I'm mad and I have to cool off to achieve my goals.

Just turn on cnn, why do you think they play it in the gym

/Thread. Fpbp.

Yes, nigger.

Roid rage is not the path of the Jedi

Probably bad. Anger and hatred actually make me weaker and lose energy. I lift way more and have better stamina when I'm in a good mood and surrounded by hot women.

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Terrible for your cortisol levels. Manage your stress, it's there to save you from fucking sabre tooth tigers and shit but outside getting your body ready for that it's shit

Professional strong man and powerlfiting is all about harnessing your anger with steroids like anadrol, superdrol, halotestin and tren
Watch eddie hall interviews aboit how he goes into a murderous state of mind

Probably bad. Maybe it's okay if it's for one specific task you want to do (e.g. murder your jewish neighbor), but I wouldn't use that as motivation to keep up with dieting and exercising.

After using hatred for almost 4 years, I almost shot my mom yesterday. Dont do it. It will build up and it WILL explode. This was murderous hatred that seethe and boiled under layers and layers. If my grandad wouldn't have been there to grab my hand at the last second, id be going to prison and probably hell. Dont do it bro.

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Uhhh. Have you seen star wars?

It depends
I use my moms alcoholism and seeing how it fucked her life up as motivation to not drink and live healthier, but the source of that motivation isn't hatred for her its a desire to not have what she does. I do feel anger towards her though, but it isn't the driving motivator.
So I'd say no specifically to the anger, but the things you are angry about are good motivators

>It will build up and it WILL explode
This, also trips of truth. I reached a breaking point and punched a hole in my window and now just avoid interacting with her as much as humanly possible.
When you snap its not a willing thing either, its like electricity going through you its just natural motions as if you aren't in control so thinking "Well I can control the anger" is feasible.

Based and numbers appropriated. I hate my parents


It's good if you want your blood pressure to spike and end up suffering multiple strokes and heart failure by the time you're 50.

>dubs of self correction
Noted, enlightened user. I don't know how I'm supposed to make it out of this never ending death spiral. Right now, I still want to kill her. This is now a constant background thought. I want her dead. I want her to know it was me. I want her to realize all she's done thats made her first born pull a gun on her and try to pull the trigger.

It just won't fucking go away. I want to be free from her and from hatred, but I don't know how. I can't run, I can't crush it, I can't kill it, I can't reason with it. Lifting has done nothing. How do I escape this devil?