Toe Nail Fungus

Bros, it's been 6-7 years, it won't go away. A new layer just keeps growing underneath. What do I do?

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I have it. Yours is strangely artistic.

You'll need meds and the nails removed.

If only there were people specifically trained and studied in this exact field that could alleviate or completely cure your condition in a couple of weeks

What do you treat it with at the moment?

Checkout Mr Toenail and buy some toe carving gear off Amazon and get to work user.

That looks interesting

Any pedicure can either fix it, aleviate it, or send you to someone who can fix it.
Oh and start walking barefoot at home

Based talon user. You should sharpen it and become velociraptor man B^)

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I recently used to have toenail fungus, not as bad as yours though. I went to a derm and he prescribed me oral Terbinafine. I could see how the discoloration stopped at the bottom of the nail until all the infected nail areas grew out at the top. It took me a total of 7 months to get completely rid of it.
I don't know if Terbinafine will be sufficient enough for your case, or if you need someone to trim down the nail. Either way you'll have to go to a doctor.
Geez, when was the last time you went the public pools or beach? Have you ever walked barefoot in front of other people?

Tried salicylic acid for 3 years, then covering it in vic's papo-rub for a little over a year, tried a prescription topical (forget the name) for a year, and I've been using tea tree oil daily for the last 8 months.

Has anyone tried oral anti-fungals? I've seen 2 doctors so far and they just talks about topical and trimming it.

>prescription topical
Lmao, that stuff exists? Bro, don't waste your time with topical shit or meme stuff like VapoRub. Your fungus is too far gone, get on oral Terbinafine (antifungal) ASAP. Thankfully it seems like you're non of those pussy people that can't bring themselves to go to a doctor.

Any side effects from the oral you took?

>Geez, when was the last time you went the public pools or beach? Have you ever walked barefoot in front of other people?
Lol. I haven't gone barefoot since. Probably caught it from someone at a public pool.

Just rip out the nail bro, get blackout drunk so it doesn't hurt

I took it and it made my pee smell weird but that’s it for me personally. It can have more serious effects potentially

Really do recommend

No, no side effects. Strictly speaking you are not allowed to drink alcohol or caffeine. But look for anecdotal cases online of people consuming both while taking the orals and experiencing no side effects whatsoever. I skipped the caffeine and alcohol while I was doing the treatment since I am not a fucking addict. My derm checked my liver via bloodwork before and while I was taking the medication.

A lot of times the fungus just comes back

I had chilblains for 5 years when I used a borrowed rubber boot. five damn years. I got into a routine with animalistic doses of Fluconazole. I had visual artifacts of the high level of liver intoxication from this antifungal. I solved the problem. I haven't had anything for 2 years, but also... I almost died of intoxication.

I am not right in the head, no need for you say it too

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I had a course and it got rid of mine nicely. Only thing I had was funny smelling urine like said.

What fucking disgusting cave did you crawl out of?
What creature let's a foot reach this level?

like a foot fetishist?

This is not medical advice but if that were my foot I'd remove the toenail and use antifungal cream.

Shit fucking hurts, and it's really uncomfortable to wear shoes while your toenail grows back, but I couldn't cope with that on my body.

What's it smell like?

get on my level noob

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yeah you need meds that might fuck up your liver, they're $200 without insurance if you managed to get prescribed them

I did it all online through pics, I did have to go into the place for a blood test for the meds though

rip it off ffs, retard

also have you ever had you thyroid numbers tested? any symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Is there a link here between nail fungus and hypothyroidsim/hashimotos?