Fasting is a scam

I bulked from skeleton to 155lb. My lifts were in the intermediate range.

Then I fasted down to 139lb and lost all my strength. I'm literally OHPing the bar, and now I'm skinnyfat.

The fast talking shills have played me for an absolute fool.

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70 kg is basically skelly tier

>Then I fasted down to 139lb
why the fuck would you do that

>and lost all my strength
wtf did you expect? jesus dude

You have to feed muscle or it will fuck off. The human body doesn't like to maintain large amounts of muscle either. It's forced onto you by yourself.

hold up, are you telling me that starving yourself is unhealthy?

No shit; if you care about muscle mass you shouldn't fast for more than 16hrs. Even 16hr fasts is at the high end.

155lb, fat but intermediate lifts

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Did you also stop lifting and did you only fast for 2 days at a time?

nice mushroom tip

Taken today,139lb.

zero strength but still fucking fat.

BTW I'm a manlet, 155lb is BMI 25

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Side profile

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why would anyone bother fasting except for religious/spiritual reasons?


Once to ~60 hours, other than that less than 48. Even that was awful: by hour 40 I could barely get up if I'd been sitting, and I would feel like dry heaving in the mornings. It really felt like dying.

I thought it was worth it but I wish I was fat and strong again.

I wish buddy

Those fasts are stupid. It takes 2 days to burn your liver glycogen stores and you will never burn fast efficiently if you do it that way

Isn't it supposed to do stuff to your hormones?

why tf did u fast? u look a lot better at 155

>Then I fasted down to 139lb
why ???

I saw everyone in my life getting fat and wanted to do something extreme. I live in the suburbs and routinely go entire days without seeing a person with a normal BMI. I feel like I'm living in invasion of the body snatchers-- everyone is becoming fat. When I see old friends I pray they haven't taken the fat pill, but one by one they're succumbing.

So fasting is religious; I was trying to ward off the curse, but instead it made me weak and skinnyfat. Now that all my strength is gone I'm going to fast back down to skeleton and start all over again.

I'm 5'7 and would never cut under 150ish.

>yes, that's the point of the thread. Fasting is bullshit. I don't know how to preserve muscle while cutting but fasting isn't it.

Now I have to somehow lose the rest of the fat and start all over again.

Post body-- at 155lb I was unambiguously fat. There must be a way to get lean and retain some muscle, but fasting isn't it.

>Now I have to somehow lose the rest of the fat
just fast

Are you telling me that your body needs protein to function and that there's no protein in your body except in your muscles?

The only way to look fat at 155 5'7 is to have no muscle.

You look better here . Stop fasting and just lift and eat alot of protein

I currently have a diet coming in around 1000 calories. I dont feel like eating more. Should I add a protein shake to my diet?