*is the most agonizing workout in existence*

*is the most agonizing workout in existence*

Attached: 1645838791166.jpg (800x800, 64.17K)

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what? it's way easier than a regular squat

I'm a total pussy on the leg press ever since I saw that vid

Just don't turn to pull a face at the camera like she did and you'll be fine


nah leg extensions

nope, that's lunges

Have you tried heavy squats?

Leg press at the gym I go to only goes up to 190kg.

Bulgarian split squats faggot

im currently in a shitty gym with no squat rack, so all ive got is that
what is the usual ratio of that leg press (seated leg press) to squat?
ive found a BB forum thread but they were using the inclined leg press that is easier than the seated one

>[laughs in pendulum]
>[cries in pendulum]

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Asian boomers at my gym keep fully extending and its pissing me off. I swear to God I don't know why old people do shit without researching how to do it first.

20 rep breathing squats

dont lock out and you are fine

same, i just go more ham on leg extensions lol

This guy knows

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>blocks your path

Attached: chair-pushup-with-weights.jpg (1280x600, 109.64K)

now do that on rings

you aint a man if you haven't had a mental breakdown while doing pendulum squats