Why do women go to the gym if they can attain a good body by just not eating too much...

Why do women go to the gym if they can attain a good body by just not eating too much? Why are they trying to deny the perfection that a feminine body is?

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Because MTV promoted a khazarian married to famous rappers big ass.
Now all white women want a black ass

Why do you want everyone to look the same? I like that there’s fat bitches skinny bitches fit bitches and more


Wtf I love mtv now?

I'd assume that there are women who genuinely like breaking fitness barriers and a fit body is a byproduct of working out.
But majority of them are in it for attention but I'm not complaining. Cardio bunnies are great for hentai material

I swear I'm gonna quit this fucking board. There is more porn here than on /gif/.


There is a concerted effort to ruin the boards.
They equate fitness to being a fat shaming, racist, transphobic, misogynist, trump supporting, gun owning, anti-communist, white supremacist

>They equate fitness to being based

Where's the problem ?

I used to feel extremely annoyed when my ex gf used to sit around being a lazy piece of shit eating whatever she wanted and sleeping half the day and had the most amazing body
I could never get her in the gym to improve it and honestly can't blame her, genetic lottery women don't have to care

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literally perfect

what does it feel like inside a pussy?

inside of a sandy bag

I pretty sure some of them go to the gym to cope, just like me on some days.

Why are short girls so cute?

OP Listen to this man

Trophy wife material

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I want to slap every inch of her body

so they can dress up in their outfits, take pics, and have all the simps staring at them in a safe environment in which they wont get raped which in turn raises their serotonin levels and feeling of self-worth.

Being racist, transphobic, and misogynistic is not based. Go back to Any Forums

Gym is cope and fetishists coomer shitfest, Most gym female lifters are either coomers, lesbians, have fetish for subhuman roidheads or suffer from depression (the women type of depression tho)

That's a man.

Are we the monkeys in a cage or are they(the women)?

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