Would i be able to do 3 plates bench once i achieve this mode?

Would i be able to do 3 plates bench once i achieve this mode?

Attached: 1656465276673.webm (608x1080, 2.5M)

Not necessary
You can bench 3pl8 with abs, lazy

how can we defeat him? is it even possible?

He's defeated himself.

Attached: 1656463439747.webm (640x360, 2.94M)


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Yes, he has a build more suited for strength than emaciated gym bros

What my pre-workout cheesecake slice sees

holy fuck he is so fat. sometimes i think to myself, "why do people let themselves get so big?" then I realize :
anyone that is fat is braindead (excess sugar = inflammation of the brain.) I can't figure out the reason people watch him (morbid curiosity, fetish, etc.) but christ man this is just fucking retarded.

I work at Walmart (22m) and see these people on the daily
>fat black women waddling around, speaking in patois while gargling down BigGulp Cola™
>massive white guys, with equally massive wife and obese children loading up a shopping cart
>several cases of soda, chips, chocolate, frozen food
>whatever satiates their gluttonous and sinful lifestyles
>fat fucks of all race (except asian and indian, question for another time I suppose?) in mobility scooters
>the stench these fucks give off is like a carpet stained in cat piss, then left to sit in the heat for *at least* 4 seasons.

honestly the worst is watching a whole family of fat people, and seeing their kids are massive. probably a combined mass of 1000lbs~ easy (so many fucking kids, they breed like rabbits.)
got lots of stories of fat people. this shit has been bugging me so much


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Post body

Call it in...

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Yes, that's powerlifter mode

This is world record powerlifter mode, yeah

I doubt he could bench 1 pl8

I was going to masturbate before seeing this thread. Thanks bro.

>excess sugar = inflammation of the brain
Your brain runs on sugar.

But good job admitting you work at Walmart ketolard.

>I doubt he could bench 1 pl8
came here to post this

>we won WW2 for this

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At least he eats himself to death for money and views. Other fatties do it for free.

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Imagine if he started lifting