The Wall does not exi

>the Wall does not exi...

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Dios Mio...

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do a grannyfish on tinder, let's see if you can't break the first 500likes in under 24h

post her milkers

>in their 50s
god I hope I will never be like that

I know she got fucked up by drugs so it's not the same, but do you think she looks back at her 16yr old self that in a nonpedo way is easily a 9/10 and cry?

I am become the wall, the whore destroyer

people can be divorced, widowed, abandoned, etc

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I wish LM wouldn't put it behind a paywall.

is it just her face or why does she never look happy anymore in most of her pictures?

Her brain is probably permanently fried by social media alone by this point. She was young when her entire existence was based on that reinforcement. I'm sure there are other factors but this alone can explain it.

no lie, her manager used to drug her up and fuck her brains out. There's a video of it floating around somewhere and he didn't realize a camera was on while livestreaming. She's just another pretty girl that turned into a cumdump for Hollywood """THEM'S""". All girls who go through that process have that souless, dead, empty look in their eyes.

apparently she got hard into drugs when she got famous and started hanging out with the people that made her famous.

I saw that video I think, the one where she's just sitting there looking into the cam and some dude is talking off to the side and full on starts groping and kissing her? So she's the other spectrum where you sell your body but don't get the super fame you were hoping for after selling yourself.

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I think what happened was she kinda "outed" the producer/manager who was groping her on stream and he distanced himself from her to get out of legal trouble. Her whole career, or whatever you wanna call it, fell apart soon after. Last I heard, she got into a physical altercation with one of her friends because she broke into her house while high as fuck and started having sex with some guy in her house. When her friend tried kicking her out, she started getting physical and cops were called. That was a few years ago, though, so who knows what she's up to now. I think she was onboard with the whole "sell my soul for fame and fortune," but threw it away before it got to the fame part, so she just ended up getting her cheeks clapped repeatedly without a reward.

hand-crafted for HWD

who the fuck is this?

>people can be divorced, widowed, abandoned, etc
Yeah and those are pretty sad situations that I don't wish on anyone.

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She needs to drop 30 pounds
And take more jew cock

>The Wall is getting fat
She's not that far gone.
She'd look fine if she lost weight.