I'm 5'7. I've accepted it. I know I'll never be a giga chad who fucks five 10/10 tinder roasties in one night

I'm 5'7. I've accepted it. I know I'll never be a giga chad who fucks five 10/10 tinder roasties in one night.
What are my options? I was thinking seriously about dwarfmaxxing like Muradin, but Diogenescore looks interesting too.

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get swole and make yourself as facially attractive as possible

Go hyper athlete mode like tom holland

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Currently doing that at 5'8
I just feel like lean isn't going to be a good look for me. I need size

There is hope my friend. I am researching methods to change DNA. It requires sacrifice but it seems to work

Listen to Wind Rose, dwarf metal band.

He usually looks cute, but this photo is cringe.

I'm 6'3 and 27 years old and never even kissed a girl so yeah height isn't everything man trust me.

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Plebs dont understand diogenes and you have to be okay with that

This, dwarf mode is retarded. Don't get taken in by the body-dysmorphic fags on this board who want to turn you into another veiny meat cube.


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Being lean will just make you look like even more of a twink

Body dysmorphia claims another victim.

huh, I'm 6'4 and gay and even I've kissed several girls (with tongues)?

Got diagnosed depression and social anxiety disorder with prob an undiagnosed disorder like high functioning autism or avpd or something. I don't lift either I'm just here for the memes. I sometimes wish I was gay though, my nephew of 18 came out the closet and he literally already went through 5 boyfriends (that lasted 2wks or longer), let alone one night stands etc. It's really something. Grindr seems really easy.

women LOVE twinks

Fuck what women want. I don't want to look like a twink

The shorts are terrible. He needs small running shorts.

Being gay is kinda wack. Getting laid is way easier but everyone is emotionally damaged and whiny so long term relationships are hard to build, no bio kids, and family is tolerant but disappointed.

Lol I’m 5’7 and got laid a few times before coming out at 24 despite being an awkward insecure closet homo. Idk how straight guy fuck it up so bad.

>Fuck what women want. I don't want to look like a twink

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Seek help being on this site has ruined you. You’re normal human beings