Once you've became fit and trained your glutes etc have you ever received complaints about fucking 'too hard'...

Once you've became fit and trained your glutes etc have you ever received complaints about fucking 'too hard'? I feel like I could crush someone with my thighs and butt thrust power. My gf complained a little the other day and told me to go softer, anyone in a similar boat?
dicklets need not reply

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what the fuck are you even talking about

The power of your thrusts while fucking someone improving through working out and becoming too 'hard' for the person being fucked. Jesus christ ESL learn some English before you reply.

You’ve become too powerful for women. Time to start fucking men, user.

Oh shit. Big if true.

Yes, but trust me that your girl will still want to get railed once a month. You just can’t powerfuck her every day/week.

Not necessarily complaints, but comments. Like afterwards gf will mention shes kinda "sore", or sometimes we get "noise complaints" from her siblings etc.

My friend memes about me doing kettlebell swings saying dumb shit like "ayo i bet you fuck hard." Yes, yes I do. Its fun

You have to learn to not harpoon your gf's vagina with your dick. its easy to "go too hard" even as an untrained dyel.

I've had girls tap out because they needed a break and I had better endurance than they did despite doing 90% of the work.
I only use my full power when I'm about to cum.

I think even a dyel can go hard enough to warrant some complaints assuming his dick is of sufficient length. Also, most girls don't want to be fucked jackhammer style unless they are close to finishing.

Just don't go balls deep every thrust.

why wouldn't you go balls deep don't you like the jiggles and loud slapping sound that happens?

Mate, read the greentext epic called "The Story of Button", it really goes into detail about good technique. Basically if you pound her gspot she'll love it.

im pretty strong but i'm a 23yo virgin

You won't be when one of the gay gym bros fucks ur butt

Yeah sorta. The girl I fucked on Sunday doesn't complain but she did tap out right as I nutted. And I mean literally, she was tapping the bed while pulling away but since I was so close to nutting, I just dove in and kept on until I was done. As long as you use enough lube, you can just ignore them and do your thing.

user that's rape

can someone post that perchance?

Attached: IMG_20200902_182405_261.jpg (600x932, 108.25K)

>look for it on google
no result
no result
first result is r/greentext post that links to imgur that has the pic

boyos i love yandex

Yeah okay, guess all the girls I fuck like rape.

>didn't post it

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