Tyler1 power meet

>tyler1 power meet
>squats a mile high on all 3 reps
>last rep is literally a 1/16th squat
>''judges'' give it to him
>everyone in the comment section sucking his dick
this whole comment section is a gold mine of dyel retards


Attached: Screenshot (96).png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

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Who cares

What the fuck is that fat hog in jeans gonna do if he collapses? Is this nigger so insecure about having a man behind him he needs some whale to show that hes not gay?

imagine the smell

i dont care at all, its just fun to laugh at

a 2/3 rep of 6pl8 squat is still impressive

Its just a fun event for a laugh. Nobody understandably wants to be the buzzkill and its not really a big deal

That was a fucking abysmal squat though lol

Id rather have the hog behind me then the 12 year old toothpicks on the side

T1 a a squad we out here

She's a female Olympic weightlifting I think desu

Why not just use safties?

She’s a beast bro she’s unironically the best person to have spotting out of everyone at that meet

Why r u playerhating? He even said he though he cheated it a little bit later in stream. It’s a twitch for fun event and it wasn’t even that bad. 5/6 squat.

>>squats a mile high on all 3 reps
>>''judges'' give it to him
Yeah? This was not a sanctioned powerlifting competition. No rules for anything. Literally just do whatever.


Eceleb board when? No one cares about these faggots

Is this guy retarded? I always see people using him in clips and idk if hes just messing around or actual has a issue.

hes playing a character, and that character has made him a multimillionaire in his 20s whose full time job is playing video games

Man thats crazy.

This was from last years meet.

Attached: 3a890a42b3d8f098738907ede059571a.png (1213x749, 983.88K)

this looks like a great way to get paralyzed from the neck down

>gets stapled by 515
>1 year later squats 605 (albeit not even close to depth)
this dude is roiding HARD

I was surprised he was even able to walk it off. He will be feeling that day again when he gets older.

I mean if his spine was neutral I guess it's one thing. But this looks like a perfect setup for snapping your spine.