He lifts for the admiration of women instead of their lamentation

>he lifts for the admiration of women instead of their lamentation

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I'm married, I lift mostly because I just like the way I look but because I also get a kick out of the way women stare at me and then see the wedding ring on my finger

How does he have sex with his wife without killing her?

Why do you think he has to go get the dragon balls so often?

They can only be brought back once, and canonically chi chi has only died once when buu blew up the earth. Your canon is incorrect

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they have only had sex twice, so very carefully

Based. Same here, I'm 48 and look like I'm 35, women haven't flirted with me on this level any other time in my life. It's especially funny when the black ones do it even though they'll see me with my wife nearby, they crave the BWC unlike anything else.

>they crave BWC
Yup, Big White Checkbook

ChiChi is a literal warrior princess
Go watch Dragonball you uncultured pleb

He doesn't move and she does everything? He cannonically doesn't even kiss her, he is autistically focused on fighting only. Besides, she is probably the strongest female human on earth. (the blonde android doesn't count)

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No user its much worse. I lift for the imaginary approval of fictional Chinese cartoons.

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The Namekian Dragon Balls don't have that problem.

I lift so male friends comment on my arms etc. Getting mired by a friend for the first time after rolling my sleeves up and have him get a gym membership without telling me made me feel really happy. I was a skinny lanklet before lifting, so women already called me hot.

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Namek blew up. They had to get a whole ass new planet.

I will destroy this thread in 5 minutes

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>9 episodes later
Well Onasiss San it has been 36 seconds, what will we do for the next 4+ minutes?

Succeed in.

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Makes sense


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I had this in my backlog for a literal decade now, maybe i'll check it out

>its should be bulma instead of chichi

and they have the dragon balls on their new planet goofy ahh

i'm pretty sure she does it while he's asleep considering that he said they've never kissed. Real question is how does he fuck Bulma without killing her.

she didn't die when he blew up the earth he turned her into an egg and stepped on the egg, you're incorrect

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