If I squat too heavy will this happen to me?

If I squat too heavy will this happen to me?

Attached: 1656216897354-1.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)

what mode is this?

Fuck you

>homosexuals are normal human beings like me and you

I’m gay and just as disgusted by female prolapse as I am this.

Attached: 36466291_628639880835398_6211699316306739200_n.jpg (720x741, 45.45K)

What the fuck. Fags are so gross.

Homosexuality and transgenderism is mental illness change my mind

What would compel you to post this or even have it saved?

Attached: 27A9BF61-5374-4B92-BD94-D350CB42015D.png (1920x1198, 350.63K)

Yes, you need to wear your squat plug to prevent this

My boss walked past me as I was opening this and there's mo way he didn't see bros. What should I do?

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You’re on Any Forums and not gay so you’re probably a horse fucking pedophile. Change my mind.

This abomination has nothing to do with trannies

Bump for awareness

That's what happens when you fraud job hours

is this that "mukbang" thing i keep hearing about?

Play stupid games

You're fucked

You have to ghost your job now I guess

Your fine, he probably thinks your gay, so if they try to fire you double down and call harassment/discrimination due to your orientation

>hey boss got the new (whatever thing you report here) in
>*pull up that vid on phone*

Yes. I believe both groups of individuals should be genocided. Not out of anger but out of disgust.

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made me kek audibly


I wouldn't necessarily think someone who opened this shit was a perv at work, sometimes its shock content made exactly for the purpose to embarass others

It all depends. If you were staring at the screen without touching anything, it's weird yeah. Otherwise not really, I'd have a laugh and be done with it. Do people really fire others for this shit? I'd really just assume it was shock content and not think about it twice, maybe joke/tease the person if I were close enough

>fuck you doin user, watching gay porn on work hours again????
something like that. Im gov employee so idk how it is for wagies

Any Forums is a lie. Look at this dyel making it

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this is why fags need pride, they need to constantly be reminded that their mental illness is normal, to avoid the creeping sense of doubt.

OP why are you posting this?

We are just normal anons at Any Forums, we come here generally to view Any Forums related material. Why?

Noone is interested in this shit here. Think about how you are the most mentally deranged individual on a mentally deranged site, the only one posting this stuff. So kindly fuck off.

How does one even poop after this
>Tfw sit alot and noticed constipation so now I'm paranoid I'll literally shit out my ass
