How to lose weight in face specifically?

Girl here
>inb4 larp
Yeah yeah whatever. I think my body is fine, I’m at a normal weight, but my face really bothers me. I’ve always had a baby face and a lot of fat seems to accumulate there, which makes me feel fatter than I actually am. Are there any specific ways to lose fat in the face alone without like, surgery?

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nope, bad genes, or you're just fatter than you think

post height, weight, and TITS

I love mangoes so much brehs
It's mango season where I live

137 pounds
Not posting tits

Nope. Losing weight is the only option. If you're already skinny then just deal with it you look how you look

>easy mode
Wait until you reach the age of 25
Other than that, targetting fat area is a myth. Crash dieting (eat 500 kcal below maintenance for 60 days), cardio and smoking will hollow out your face but not necessarily faster and without guarantee.

Mangos are the best fruit easily. I would die without mangos.

If you are a lady with a three digit weight, you are obese. You got at least 38lbs to lose there honey.

do u exercise? u could just have a high bf%. other than that its genetics

it is not possible to lose fat at specific body parts. You can either gain fat overall or lose fat overall. It's genetics how this fat distributes.

If you want a skinnier face you have to lose fat overall.

Don't listen to
137 lbs is actually underweight for your height and that's creating an imbalance in your sodium levels. You need to put on a few more lbs to level it out besides guys love curvy women and big asses. I suggest adding a bowl of ice cream at night and supplement with snacks like nuts, cheese crackers and dip, or a nice milkshake. This may sound counterproductive at first but give it a chance and you'll see the balance return in a couple of months which will fix the face bloat. Good luck!

I do exercise but only twice a week at a gym for an hour and a half, one day for cardio one day for weightlifting. I want to be able to do more but my schedule doesn’t permit it really.

>targetting fat area is a myth

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Exercise cant fix this problem. You need to adjust your diet to avoid bloating foods. Do you eat alot of carbs and vegetables? Try and get more healthy fats like butter, cream, oil, and cheese into your diet they will help reduce water retention in the face.

post face then post feet

cardio: run or do a stationary bike. worked for me. also only drink water. drinking a lot of carbs bloats my face

t. latino m 28

You will want to eat foods that are chewwy in order to strengthen the muscles in the jaw and face which will help to define your natural lines and prevent the soft baby faced problem you're having. Some example of hard to chew foods perfect for this are steak(preferably a fatty cut), jerky, crackling, pork belly, some candy bars are cheesy if you like those personally I prefer the most obvious, gum!

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Girl here with the same weight: I had a lot of facial fat until I got down to 125 lbs. You might think you’re skinny or normal, but dropping a few pounds could solve your problem


*chewwy* not cheesy.

bad photo of face because I can’t take pictures. I feel like I look like a fucking 13 year old girl.

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Idk when I was really light my face got all round and puffy but after putting on a bit of muscle and changing my eating habits away from inflammatory bloating foods like carbs, nightshades, and certain vegetables my face got alot more defined my sister actually noticed and said how much better I look.

I would cum on your face

Op here why the fuck is this photo upside down

Oh it’s a dude in a wig