Mogs you

>mogs you

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oh shit I'm sorry

>Cursed chest
>Zero abs
>Forearms bigger than biceps and triceps combined

This man's only "routine" is daily masturbation to failure

hairless fag

He can fuck for hours without completing a single full stroke. He can ruin even the most promising tranny debutante scene. He never takes off his gel bracelet.

He is Mr. Clean with AIDS

>daily masturbation to failure
I don't think he masturbates at all

where are his traps though?

he fucks them

He's too busy fucking them.


hate this bald fuck
can't even fuck the trannies properly

>gets to fuck Sue Lightning in her prime
>uses dogshit angles so you can't see anything

>He can fuck for hours without completing a single full stroke
>He can ruin even the most promising tranny debutante scene.
I've never watch any trans porn cuz I'm only attracted to bio-women but why does he ruin it for you


He and his company are pretty much the gatekeepers for trans porn. He aggressively scouts online, so pretty much any hot tranny who makes it big solo is going to fuck him first. Problem is his scenes are all exactly the same, he never fucks hard, and has some sensitivity issue where he only uses half his cock unless it's reverse cowgirl. On top of that he's apparently kind of rapey, is "trust me bro" about STD testing, and has scared some of the top tier egirl trannies from doing porn.

Pretty much the only upside of Christian XXX is that he likes girls with micropenises, while the other studios like unfeminine horse cocks

it's not the size that makes a cock masculine or feminine. the most beautiful trans cocks I've seen were average to large. also what is a micropenis even good for? you can't properly suck it, you can't deepthroat it, you can't grab it, you most likely can't even make it cum etc. at that point you might as well fuck a real woman.

>a cock
>masculine or feminine

Personally I find the sissification element hottest, so things like small, limp dicks, chastity, and pure bottom girls heighten the contrast between them and their bulls. There's no better sign they were a failed male than being so small you need to take cock for pleasure rather than using yours



Is that a whitified George Floyd?

Attached: ican'tsneed.jpg (1153x1143, 750.95K)

I prefer when the cock is functional so you can play around with it. a limp microdick is just useless decoration.

Exactly. Decoration you can slap around with a bigger cock, insult, squeeze, slap, and lock up

I can't tell if you are gayer or I'm gayer, even though I identify as straight. I just want to worship beautiful sexy girlcocks.

Attached: mqdefault.jpg (320x180, 14.21K)