How bad of an idea is it to buffetmaxx at one of these? i can literally go through 3 plates of steamed shrimp in one go

how bad of an idea is it to buffetmaxx at one of these? i can literally go through 3 plates of steamed shrimp in one go.

Attached: Chinese_buffet2.jpg (640x480, 117.5K)

Pure protein.

I live near a few now and I've been toying with the idea of getting really baked and going during lunch service when it's quiet

Breeding ground for bacteria. It's like playing russian roulette with your asshole

>deepfried stuffed shrimp
>pure protein

I like this sentence a lot
something about a man explaining his previous thoughts about hitting up and (presumably) destroying a buffet was fun to read

Man up user. You can eat raw meat that has been out for 2 days. A little buffet isn't going to hurt you unless you have AIDs.


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Me and my buddy got kicked out of the chinese buffet after we did that lol. We hit legs for almost two hours and smoked a retarded amount of weed after. After eating endless plates of fried duck and shrimp the manager came to our table and asked us to leave

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OP here, just leaving buffet would recommend.

especially since I got a call right after I left from Chase that they declined the transaction for fraud detection. literally just ate for free

>all you cat eat buffet
>eats all the food
>gets kicked out

You need to see a lawyer for fraudulent advertising.

Most places have a clause in the fine print that you aren't allowed to stay more than two hours

today Im eading allyoucaneat boofay and stuff my fucking face with boofay food like the a bus... the hindenburg buster Im gonna eat everything in town

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lol what fine print? you literally just show up and are seated.

He said steamed...

In the house rules. Idk how it is in the us but in most cuntries a business owner has the right to kick anyone out if they want to

Have you seen the kinds of people who eat at buffets? They stand above the food with their nasty faces and waving their nasty hands all over the food. When their disgusting germs hit the food, the temperature makes for the perfect environment for those germs to reproduce.

Might as well have a little sip of toilet water while you're there because you'll already have eaten bacteria from the asscracks of a hundred people

thats when i call the credit card company and do a chargeback for being defrauded as a consumer

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Nah I like the asian family that run that place. They are losing money every time I go there anyway

If you have ever eaten at a restaurant you have eaten food riddled with almost as many germs as buffet food

this, do you really think the nigger and spic felons working in the kitchen are maintaining their hygiene or following health codes? They probably store cooked and raw meat in the same freezers and serve shit thats fallen on the floor

you might as well just go to golden corral at this point if your gonna go to a chinese buffet.

That's a rarity because I don't eat at shit restaurants, but I'm sure it happens occasionally, and even then the bacteria doesn't have sufficient time to reproduce to give you food poisoning like it does at buffets. At buffets you get to eat asscrack bacteria every single time

>Eat bacteria
>Become stronger
It's literally that easy. Neurotic women learning germ theory ruined society. Stop washing things, stop avoiding bacteria.

You sound exactly like the kind of nasty person I was talking about who eats at buffets. I'm not going to eat anything that you and 50 other people like you have jiggled your shit covered hands above

I'm cutting this month and holy shit that looks fucking amazing.

I'm having ground beef and a salad today :'((

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