Bulking Tips

I'm a freaking weakling.

I'm 31 years old and I still weigh

Attached: 3 month progress.png (1350x1917, 3.29M)

You're not going to be HWC (Hungry While Constipated) so get your stomach issues in check first


I'm 185lbs at 5'9 OP. I just eat like crap and compensate with a big protein shake with about 120g protein at the end of the day.
If you're throwing up after you eat though, that's a problem.

You bulked the stomach cancer. RIP.

Go to a fucking doctor user holy shit.

user please go to a doctor

I'm betting on crohns or UC. Enjoy the colonscopy.

Look up FODMAP and try a more horizontal diet for a while (look that up too). Slowly re-integrate other stuff and see what works and what doesn’t for you. It’s tricky as what and how much of what makes you feel like shit varies per person. Whey is a no for me. Onions I can manage, but not too much at once. Can’t do spicy.

Godspeed user

>your progress gets posted by other people
is this how what "making it" is?
also it was way more than 3 months, i hope nobody larps as me with incorrect info.

as the others already said, go to a doctor

Is that you? Post routine / diet / heigth.

how long did it take you to go from a to b?

the rippetoe quote is dumb man. it's on par with a woman looking absolutely astounding, and then stepping on the scale and saying she's fat because she weighs more than 130. if you're going to determine your value based off arbitrary numbers, at least do it with your lifts first.

i dont know the time frame anymore, i would have to check the original photo dates... but it was around 2 years i think. but im not 100% sure
at that time i trained often (5-6x per week) hitting each muscle multiple times per week.
the training was very upper body focussed with bench (flat bb and incline db), rows (bb and db!!), shoulder presses, lateral raises, curls, leg raises, etc...
since i was at the lower end of normal weight (by BMI) i could just "bulk" for extended periods of time (also i didnt go too hard on the calorie surplus). at the start i counted calories to get some feeling for the numbers but i stopped doing that and only kept watching the protein intake.
for the diet i didnt do anything super special (i drank 1L of milk each day but nothing like GOMAD). just avoid getting memed into some stupid diets

oh and im 6'6''

>im 6'6''
Wow, and I thought that was impressive for a 5'10 guy in only 2 years. No way that's natty then, right?

no, im natty but you are not the first to doubt that. i think there are a few reasons for this:
1. the right pic has extremely good lighting (especially compared to the left one) so it looks very enhanced.
2. right is flexed and with pump although it looks like im standing casually
3. i would say that i have very good chest genetics and that chest is easily my best feature. the chest is also a muscle with is normally not developed in non-lifters, so a good chest is a clear give away someone lifts.
if you remove my torso from my physique, you are left with legs, arms, delts and traps. none of which look impressive on their own.

Do you feel like you are too tall? I am 6'4 and still feel like there is still growth left.

How old were you in left pic?

It seems that your clavicles actually grew a little and I’m just wondering how (I’m also thinking it’s mirror distortion/camera lens, because in the first photo your face looks a lot thinner)

6'6....?? You must have to eat like 4000 calories a day just for maintenance.

Eat prunes, eat greens and vegetables, eat linseeds(with lots of water) and other seeds, don't sit idly for long, don't lie down after eating, walk, run, drink lots of water.