Lateral raises your 1RM bench

>lateral raises your 1RM bench

Attached: B1026F07-1EDF-4000-94C1-D2A891186BE4.jpg (750x597, 231.73K)

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Based bloatlord

Attached: 635d9c9b16f33cd5d62b778ed62cdc73-sample.jpg (749x1000, 125.93K)

>is fat
I dont care if he breaks every record for every lift.

There are billions of fat people who can’t do what he does

There are millions of jacked and muscular people who can’t do what he does

You have been mogged (FULL)

>not living it

Mogged once again

fake weights btw

Attached: 277329721_3063814307204391_3726762944sdfesessees711898516_n.jpg (1184x1103, 867.75K)

Is our bloatloard on IG? I cant seem to find anything that looks like a legit acct

YouTube is his official

his IG is @kapakoulak

Thank you x 2

Attached: 1648634011488.jpg (822x791, 69.38K)

memes aside, kyriakos is strong as fuck
>i don't care because he's fat

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Mogged status : FULL

Bugenhagen and Jujumufu tried lifting (together at one time on a single barbell) the weight the Bloatlord does and they couldn’t do it

He also weighs as much as both of them together. A real man weighs over 200kg.

meaning combined should be able to lift it right? wrong

Paulo Costa is such a fag its unreal
He got destroyed by adesanya now he can't cope

you have to live it

Attached: Live it.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

>Implying I can db bench 110lb

strength progresses on a logarithmic scale
you can blast all the gear you want, get as heavy as possible, and you still wouldn't be nearly as strong as kyriakos GRIZZLY
"mass moves mass" is twink cope, live with the mog, pussy

his arm is closed so he's pulling with his bicep. he's doing one side only to cheat it. this guy is a goober

>Mogged status : FULL


those aren't lateral raises it's throwing the bar on the side