Anyone who promotes mewing should be put in prison

Anyone who promotes mewing should be put in prison
It has literally destroyed people's lives, it will give you temperomandibular disorder, tinnitus and even brain damage.

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this is health related as people are promoting it on this board

Listen, asshole. I know you're not really an NCR health inspector, so you can cut the restaurant critic routine. And I want my fifty caps back, 'cause I looked it up and there ain't no disease called colorectal implosion syndrome.

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It won't cause tinnitus or brain damage, anyone who is saying that has other problems they need to check out, instead of blaming it on mewing.

Further the amount of people who get TMJ/TMD from it is mostly minimal, normally people who become excessively obsessed and expect massive transformations, if anything the largest issue with mewing is making people think that it will fundamentally change the way you look. It only does that for people who have a very particular set of problems, and those could be corrected with many other methods besides mewing.

Mewing is just an attempt at orthodontics without the use of any equipment, many people who are "mewing" already had braces, and if they had a competent orthodontist before mewing should do little to nothing for them.

Another mewing shill looking to destroy lives. Mewing is causing and epidemic of tmd and lots of people are getting tinnitus and BRAIN DAMAGE from this malicious practice.
Be aware of the mewing shills

Ok what is it about mewing that causes this?

What aspect of mewing?

too complicated to explain but here is one thing
the placement of the posterior tongue on the roof of the mouth causes the tympani tensor to chronically contract. This will eventually lead to dysfunction and tinnitus. Look at this video then read all the comments about people causing themselves tinnitus.

No one who promotes mewing as gotten any benefits from it. They always had good jaw lines to begin with.

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The impression I get from Mewing is that people force too hard. Not following it though, instead I follow what I was taught for singing.

I just looked through, and all of the comments with tinnitus was about hard mewing.

There are multiple videos of Dr. Mew warning against risks that can come from excessive chewing and potential problems from it, and also suggested there may be bad problems from hard mewing that aren't known, but he himself wasn't sure and also suggested that maybe there are some benefits he just doesn't know.

Regular mewing is supposed to just be about proper-tongue posture, which most people never even have to learn because they do it automatically. This is the focus of mewing, the main techniques being posture correcting stretches for the neck, proper tongue posture, and some chewing exercises.

People who try to push things to the extreme with excessive chewing or hard mewing are clearly putting themselves at risk, and these are people often so heavily drawn by insecurity and trying to create changes that realistically won't happen.

Ultimately mewing itself isn't the issue, but that people who mew have taken it to extremes that cause harm, but this happens in many different things. Going to the gym is healthy, but many people push it so hard it risks their health.

What were you taught?

Because most people who start mewing are just insecure losers, and not people who have severe postural deficiency. If you take a sever mouthbreather with forward neck posture and he starts mewing he will look way better, but in a photo they can simulate 80% of the benefits they can get just by holding proper posture for the photo.

The majority of comments make no reference to hard mewing. It doesn't matter whether you are hard mewing or not, you are still chronically contracting the tympani tensor just by placement of the posterior tongue. THE VIDEO IS LITERALLY ABOUT THAT THERE'S NO HARD MEWING


"Dr Mike i have developed tinnitus after mewing for 2 months i was doing hard mew can you please help me !i am 17 years old not even single doctor is helping

i got tinnitus in both ears"

"Can hard mewing cause tinnitus ? I have had it since six months ???"

"For me it actually makes my ears pop and seems to help my tinnitus."

These are the three top level comments with tinnitus in them. Two mention hard mewing, one says it HELPS their tinnitus.

Hmm in lower comments someone about tinnitus "I think too much loud rock music" when answering the cause.

So why are you lying?

what a stupid reply those are 3 comments not the majority

It's been years since I've even looked into mewing but doesn't Mr. Mike Mew himself even say that it will barely do anything if you're already a fully grown adult?

the only people getting tmd are the people chewing gum all day and clenching / jutting their jaw.
Mewing is just tongue posture stop making things up.

I wear braces yet I still have a recessed chin, what gives?

another mewing shill. People are getting tmd and more without clenching. The tongue is fucking people up

personally i got a tinnitus when i did it for the first year, but it went away and now its been like 3 since then and im fine
my jaw has gotten way better especially with trimming my bodyfat