Does eating pussy cause mouth cancer? If this is true wouldn’t sucking dick also cause mouth cancer?

Does eating pussy cause mouth cancer? If this is true wouldn’t sucking dick also cause mouth cancer?

Attached: CCF36808-AB6E-4AB3-9FB0-C0468C5BB524.jpg (820x1024, 138.46K)

Imagine her getting BLACKED

Mutts law.

Yes, herpes simplex virus can cause cancer. From pussy or dicks.

coep nigger, she's clearly hand-crafted for HWD

God above I pray to you for a wife like this....a homestead....a glorious homestead to wander nude and pick vegetables and fruits. Praise be unto God above for the existence of this, even if I may not reach it myself.

Imagine her getting BLACKED

by alah I've reversed image searched her and have seen quite bountiful breasts. All I can imagine is her being dominated by an animalistic negro.

You want some indecent naked whore who parades her body around? cringe

Hand crafted for BBC

What if you are both clean and don’t have the virus ?

Every sexually active person on the planet would have mouth cancer if that were the case

that grass is too long

>If this is true wouldn’t sucking dick also cause mouth cancer?
well one is a dark damp cavern of fungus and bacteria and the other is just skin

Then there is no risk. I wish sex ed wasn't so fucking terrible desu.

Although if you have a weak ass immune system you can develop thrush from vaginal yeast I guess, which may or may not pose cancer risk, but that's pretty fucking rare and you'd have to be eating the rankest pussy to even get in that ballpark, and if you do end up there, then your life is basically at the bottom of the barrel anyway.

This is an extremely long term issue. What percentage of women had hpv 30 years ago? What percentage have it today?

You're built to get a fucking fist in your face

Attached: ShutTheFuckUpNigger.jpg (450x329, 59.66K)

current thought is that certain strains of HPV can cause esophageal and mouth cancers and, yes, this can be transmitted by oral sex

probably ticks in there

I wish Any Forums had user ids like Any Forums so we could see it's just one guy posting both blacked and hwd.

The entire site should have IDs. I bitched about it to moot years ago and days later we had poster count which was at least a start