Just tilt your head up and wear baggy clothes bro...it will make you appear bigger

>just tilt your head up and wear baggy clothes bro...it will make you appear bigger

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true, but the taller guy's eyes make him look like a doll

I'm competing in super heavyweight at the end of the month though and I AM big. I wear baggy clothes to sweatmax

they both have dogshit orbitals

no one cares

5'2 vs 5'8

That's okay, they don't have to.

First gay thought I ever had was watching Will do pushups and then he paused at the bottom of the rep and winked at the camera and i genuinely blushed. Is it over for me?


okay so 5'8/5'9 is not kill yourself territory? woooooo

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link to video?

Anyone who wears Gymshart clothing needs to be publicly executed.

Holy fucking manlet

>hought I ever had was watching Will do pushups and then he paus

Attached: 1653005902247.png (648x810, 887.01K)

i'd physically be able to man handle both these faggots i probably could rape both of them at the same time

Yes but could you mentally handle both of these faggots?

Did anyone save the pic where Jeff is the same height as will?

Why are you making fun of Jeff for being short :(

I am 5'6" but whenever I look at Nippard I can't believe he is too. Isn't that the height he claims?

I don't know the other guys height but just when Nippard stands next to cars or beds lol. He looks closer to 5' than 5'6".

Not that it matters, but height frauding is funny no matter who does it.

hes 5 2 guy on left is 5 11 feet

You're a disgusting fat fuck aren't you?