Bad Sleep

anyone have advices to sleepgains? Here how many hours i sleep in a week:


I always wake up tired and in middle of night too, already checked: Testosterone, Thyroid hormones, apnea study, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, acid GERD, nasal/allergies congestion

Nothing came up, anyone have idea to get a better sleep? I thought about melatonine does it help? I wanted to check prostate but doctor says i'm too young to have problem, but i always wake up too pee during the night

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I can't sleep because the neighbors next door always start fucking loudly in the middle of the night. She lets out extremely exaggerated fake moans and he slaps her ass loudly and repeatedly at 1-2 am. I might start banging on the wall and telling them to shut the fuck up, I can't handle this anymore.

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Ear plugs, blackout curtains, no screen time 35 minutes before bed, no caffeine 4 hours before bed. Take 1mg melatonin

Try to one up them with grunts and moans and banging when they begin and after they finish.
Show them that you can solo mog their sex noises. Throw in some obviously faked female moans too, so they know you're mocking them.

I usually fall asleep within 10-15min because i'm often tired, i don't get awaken by noise but i always get the urge to pee i'm afraid to wet my bed

Curtains + no wifi/bluetooth + no light turned on at all + no screen 30min before i sleep already. Will try melatonin only 1 mg? I dont think something else than water

deku is the shittest shounen protag we've had in years
Every single side character is more likeable and interesting than that whiny faggot

piggybacking off this post, is it okay if i break up my sleep into parts throughout the day? like if i slept for 4 hours in the morning and 4 in the afternoon?

can't remember the full details but it's bad to break up sleep
Something about not being able to go through the proper cycles

take 2 tissues of toilet paper put them under the water and squeeze twirl each one, stick them in your ear, no sounds

>living in a commie block
Don't do that to yourself user

1. For 10 minutes after waking up in the morning, look at the sky. The specific light of the sky triggers the release of wakefulness promoting hormones that will last throughout the day and also the buildup of adenosine. Adenosine accumulates throughout the day and when it reaches a certain threshold it will make you very sleepy. The earlier and and more intensely you start its release, the better it will do its job to help you sleep. After looking at the sky, splash your face with cold water a few times in the kitchen/bathroom sink.

2. Use flux and reduce your screen brightness as early as 6 hours before going to sleep. Make sure your K-value is at its lowest possible and your brightness is at minimum setting within 2 hours of going to sleep.

3. No caffeine whatsoever. Caffeine has a quarter-life of nearly 12 hours so even an early afternoon coffee can fuck with your sleep. Caffeine blocks the activity of adenosine (which is how it makes you feel wakeful) and to compensate your adenosine system increases in activity and when you really need it (for sleep) it does not function correctly anymore. Long-term caffeine use, even just a single cup in the mornings, will have detrimental effects on your sleep altogether.

4. No alcohol, no cannabis.


6. No supplements before sleep, only in the morning. Even fish oil can fuck with your sleep.

7. Try intermittent fasting. Do not eat anything after 16:00. Before going to bed, go to the toilet to pee, whether you have to go or not. Make it a habit and your bladder will start becoming more and more sensitive before you go to bed, allowing you to empty yourself out more.

Record them, then blast it on your speakers whenever they start doing it. Use a sound file editing program to amplify the volume to insane levels.

adding onto this, you're going to want to eat a big meal once you wake up. it helps sync your circadian rhythm. additionally i'd argue that melatonin is fine in the very short-term, and only if you have no other options

>Do not eat anything after 16:00.
Obviously don't drink anything after 16:00 either if your issue is that you have to get up to pee

Drink loads before you sleep
Trust me

I'm already using flux and avoid eating 18pm, but i can't sleep on a empty stomach without water: my stomach starts hurting if i don't drink water after 2h, i mean water not even food, once i drink it goes away (i start sweating and become nervous if i don't drink water and angry)

Haven't tried first about looking in the sky, i will give it a shot for a few days but its sometimes gray there i don't know if it help with the moods

Sounds like your need for water and your constant need to pee during the night might be related.

Its because bladder never feel empty, if it does my throat start getting sore, i get nervous and sweat unless i drink a little bit of water. I drink 2 liter but i pee 2-3 liter and i pee 7-8 time a day

I often have to go BACK to the wc to pee because there are pee stuck, even if only drink 33cl every 3-4h thats weird. Nothing on blood test/pee test/kidney ultra, do i need to check prostate?

But melatonin gives you man titties

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>I drink the water, which I apparently need to live or something
>have to put the water somewhere else 5 minutes later.
>drink the water, I go to a place to un-drink the water, I wash my hands, I leave, then I have to drink more water.
>Guess where that water ends up? Not in me! I give water to my body and like a child it tosses it out and demands more.
>All hours of the day and all hours of the night no matter what I'm doing my life is interrupted by piss and this is BULLSHIT.
I drink a lot of water, I piss a lot of pee

Sleep with your fiance. Always makes me sleep 9 hours.
When I'm away for work during the week (Apartment is two stations away) I barely get r hours.
That said I made myself get 7 hours sleep by just closing my eyes and listening to music.